
Academics Bachelor's Degree Program

Bachelor's Degree Program

To graduate, students must complete 128 credits. Credits for graduation include the following:

1.General and Liberal Education Curriculum:

(1) General Education (12 credits)— Including Chinese Literature (first and second semesters, 6 credits), Foreign Languages (first and second semesters, 6 credits), Physical Education (1, 2, 3, 4), and Student Service Education (1, 2, 3). It aims at cultivating students’ critical thinking and strengthening communication skills, as well as strengthening the spirit of team cooperation and social responsibility.

(2) Liberal Education (18 credits)— Including 8 major areas (A1-A8), but only 5 areas (A1-A5) are required by psychology department students: “Literature and Arts (A1),” “Historical Thinking (A2),” “World Civilization (A3),” “Philosophy and Moral Reasoning (A4),”and “Civil Awareness and Social Analysis (A5)”. Students should study at least one course subject in each other specified specific areas of study.

2. Required Curriculum: 60 or 64 credits (as following).

3. Other Elective Curriculum: 34 or 38 credits.

Academics Bachelor's Degree Program