
回首頁 演講訊息 113.8.22(四) 10:30 竹村浩昌教授 〈Investigating the relationship between retinotopic organization and white matter tracts in the human visual system〉

113.8.22(四) 10:30 竹村浩昌教授 〈Investigating the relationship between retinotopic organization and white matter tracts in the human visual system〉

  • 演講時間: 113年8月22(四) 10:30
  • 演講地點: 南地B
  • 講者: 竹村浩昌教授
  • 演講主題: Investigating the relationship between retinotopic organization and white matter tracts in the human visual system
回首頁 演講訊息 113.8.22(四) 10:30 竹村浩昌教授 〈Investigating the relationship between retinotopic organization and white matter tracts in the human visual system〉