
系所成員 系所師資 專任教授 謝伯讓 Hsieh, Po-Jang

謝伯讓 Hsieh, Po-Jang

  • 職稱: 教授
  • 研究領域: 認知與知覺心理學
  • E-Mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
  • 辦公室/電話: S314/ 886-2-33663095
  • 研究興趣:


  • 提供課程:


  • 經歷:

    2019-present Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
    2011-2019 Assistant Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School, Brain & Consciousness Lab
    2008-2011 Postdoctoral Associate (Kanwisher Lab) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  • 學術榮譽:

    2011 Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness Travel Award
    2008 Chinese-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow
    2008 Vision Sciences Society Travel Award
    2008 Excellence in Science (AAAS/Science Program)
    2006 Top 10 finalists, Best Illusion of the Year Contest
    2005 Marie Center Research Award, Dartmouth College
    2004 Dartmouth College Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Fellow
    2003 Graduating first in class, Institute of Philosophy, NCCU
    2001 Scholarships, Institute of Philosophy, NCCU
    1992 Gifted student in mathematics, Taiwan, R.O.C.
    1992 Second place, National Natural Sciences Contest
    1991 Bronze medal, National Mathematics Contest

  • 學歷:

    2008 Ph.D., Cognitive Neuroscience, Dartmouth College
    2003 M.A., Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, National Chung Cheng University (NCCU)
    1999 B.S., Department of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University (NTU)

期刊論文 Publications

期刊論文 Publications

Lee, L., Lo, Y.T., See, A.A.Q., Hsieh, P.-J., James, M.L., King, N.K.K. (2018). Long-term recovery profile of patients with severe disability or in vegetative states following severe primary intracerebral hemorrhage. Journal of Critical Care. 48:269-275.

Ananyev, E., Penny, T., and Hsieh, P.-J.*. (2017). Separate requirements for detection and perceptual stability of motion in interocular suppression. Scientific Reports. 7: 7230.

Zixin, Y., Hsieh, P.-J.*. (2017). Speed-size illusion correlates with retinal level motion statistics. Journal of Vision. 17: 1.

Zixin, Y., Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Milea, D. (2017). Seeing the sound after visual loss: functional MRI in acquired auditory-visual synesthesia. Experimental Brain Research. 235(2): 415-420.

Hung, S.M., Styles, S., and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2017). Can a word sound like a shape before you have seen it? Sound-shape mapping prior to conscious awareness. Psychological Science. 28: 263-275

Hung, S.M., Rukmini A.V., Najjar R.P., Tan, J.H., Viénot, F., Dubail, M., Tow, S.L.C., Aung, T., Gooley, J.J., and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2016). Cerebral neural correlates of differential melanopic photic stimulation in humans. NeuroImage. 146: 763-769.

Hung, S.M., Niel, C.-H., and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2016). Unconscious processing of facial attractiveness: invisible attractive faces orient visual attention. Scientific Reports. 6: 37117.

Hung, S.M., and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2015). Syntactic processing in the absence of awareness and semantics. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 41(5): 1376-84.

Huang, Y.F., Kuo, F.Y., Tucker, D., Luu, P., and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2015). Hedonic Evaluation Can Be Automatically Performed: An Electroencephalography Study Of Website Impression Across Two Cultures. Computers in Human Behavior. 49: 138-146.

Fedorenko, E., Hsieh, P.-J., and Balewski, Z. (2015). A possible functional localizer for identifying brain regions sensitive to sentence-level prosody. Language and Cognitive Processes. 30: 102-148.

Huang, Y.F., Tan, E.G.F., Soon C.S., and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2014). Unconscious Cues Bias First Saccades In A Free-Saccade Task. Consciousness and Cognition. 29: 48-55.

Huang, Y.F., Soon C.S., Mullette-Gillman, O.A., and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2014). Pre-Existing Brain States Predict Risky Choices. NeuroImage. 101: 466-472.

Colas, J.T. and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2014). Pre-existing brain states predict aesthetic judgments. Human Brain Mapping. 35(7): 2924-34.

Tan, J.H. and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2013). Eye-specific information biases perceived direction of bistable motion. Journal of Vision, 13 (11).

Huang, Y.F. and Hsieh, P.-J.* (2013). The mere exposure effect is modulated by selective attention but not visual awareness. Vision Research. 91, 56-61.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Colas, J.T. (2012). Awareness is necessary for extracting patterns in working memory, but not for directing spatial attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 38, 1085-1090.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Colas, J.T. (2012). Perceptual fading without retinal adaptation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 38, 267-271.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, Colas, J.T., and Kanwisher, N. (2012). Spatial pattern of BOLD fMRI activation reveals crossmodal information in auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107, 3428-3432.

Vul, E., Lashkari, D., Hsieh, P.-J., Golland, P., Kanwisher, N.G. (2012). Data-driven functional clustering reveals dominance of face, place, and body selectivity in the ventral visual pathway. Journal of Neurophysiology. 108, 2306-2322.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, Colas, J.T., and Kanwisher, N. (2012). Pre-stimulus pattern of activity in the fusiform face area predicts face percepts during binocular rivalry. Neuropsychologia. 50, 522-529.

Lashkari, D., Sridharan, R., Vul, E., Hsieh, P.-J., Kanwisher, N.G., Golland, P. (2012). Search for patterns of functional specificity in the brain: A nonparametric hierarchical Bayesian model for group fMRI data. NeuroImage. 59, 1348-68.

de Graaf, T.A., Hsieh, P.-J., Sack, A.T. (2012). The 'correlates' in neural correlates of consciousness. Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews. 36, 191-7.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, Colas, J.T., and Kanwisher, N. (2011). Pop-out without awareness: Unseen feature singletons capture attention only when top-down attention is available. Psychological Science. 22, 1220-1226.

Fedorenko, E., Hsieh, P.-J., Nieto-Castañón, A., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S., and Kanwisher N. (2010). A new method for fMRI investigations of language: Defining ROIs functionally in individual subjects. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104, 1177-1194.

Lashkari, D., Sridharan, R., Vul, E., Hsieh, P.-J., Kanwisher, N.G., Golland, P. (2010) Nonparametric hierarchical Bayesian model for functional brain parcellation. in Proc. MMBIA: IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis. 15-22.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, Vul, E. and Kanwisher, N. (2010). Recognition alters the spatial pattern of fRMI activation in early retinotopic cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 103, 1501-1507.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Tse, P.U. (2010). “Brain-reading” of perceived colors reveals a feature mixing mechanism underlying perceptual filing-in in cortical area V1. Human Brain Mapping. 31, 1395-1407.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Tse, P.U. (2010). BOLD signal in both ipsilateral and contralateral retinotopic cortex modulates with perceptual fading. PLoS ONE. 5, e9638.

Kohler, P.J., Caplovitz, G.P., Hsieh, P.-J., Sun, J., and Tse, P.U. (2010). Motion fading is driven by perceived, not actual angular velocity. Vision Research. 50, 1186-1194.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Tse, P.U. (2009). Feature mixing rather than feature replacement during perceptual fillingin. Vision Research. 49, 439-450

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Tse, P.U. (2009). Microsaccade rate varies with subjective visibility during motion-induced blindness. PLoS ONE. 4, e5163.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Tse, P.U. (2009). Motion fading and the motion aftereffect share a common process of neural adaptation. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. 71, 724-733

Caplovitz, G.P., Barroso, D.J., Hsieh, P.-J., and Tse, P.U. (2008). fMRI reveals that neuronal feedback to ventral retinotopic cortex underlies perceptual grouping by temporal synchrony. Human Brain Mapping, 29, 561-661

Tse, P.U., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2007). Component and intrinsic motion integrate in 'dancing bar' illusion. Biological Cybernetics. 96, 1-8.

Troncoso, X.G., Tse, P.U., Macknik, S.L., Caplovitz, G.P., Hsieh, P.-J., Schlegel, A.A., Otero-Millan, J., and Martinez-Conde, S. (2007). BOLD activation varies parametrically with corner angle throughout human retinotopic cortex. Perception. 36, 808-820.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Tse, P.U. (2007). Grouping inhibits motion fading by giving rise to virtual trackable features. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 33, 57-63.

Hsieh, P.-J., Caplovitz, G.P., and Tse, P.U. (2006). Bistable Illusory Rebound Motion: Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging of perceptual states and switches. NeuroImage. 32, 728-739.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Tse, P.U. (2006). Illusory color mixing upon perceptual fading and filling-in does not result in 'forbidden colors'. Vision Research. 46, 2251-2258.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, and Tse, P.U. (2006). Stimulus factors affecting illusory rebound motion. Vision Research. 46, 1924-1933.

Hsieh, P.-J.*, Caplovitz, G.P., and Tse, P.U. (2006). Illusory motion induced by the offset of stationary luminance-defined gradients. Vision Research. 46, 970-978.

Tse, P.U., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2006). The infinite regress illusion reveals faulty integration of local and global motion. Vision Research. 46, 3881-3885

Tse, P.U., Caplovitz, G.P., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2006). Microsaccade directions do not predict directionality of illusory brightness changes of overlapping transparent surfaces. Vision Research. 46, 3823-30.

Caplovitz, G.P., Hsieh, P.-J., and Tse, P.U. (2006). Mechanisms underlying the perceived angular velocity of a rigidly rotating object. Vision Research. 46, 2877-2893.

Hsieh, P.-J., Caplovitz, G.P., and Tse, P.U. (2005). Illusory Rebound Motion and Motion Continuity Heuristic. Vision Research. 45, 2972-2985.

專書專章 Books/Chapters

專書專章 Books/Chapters

Soon, C-S, Dubey, R., Ananyev, E, and Hsieh, P.-J. (in press). Approaches to understanding visual illusions, in Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision. Springer.

Caplovitz, G.P., Tse P.U., and Hsieh, P.-J. (in press). The Spinning Ellipse Speed Illusion, in Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions. Oxford University Press.

Hsieh, P.-J. (2016). A Brief History of the Brain. Owl Publishing House Co., LTD. (ISBN:9789862623015)

Hsieh, P.-J. (2015). Deception and The Brain. Readingtimes. (ISBN:9789571362489)

Kao, Y.-H. and Hsieh, P.-J. (2012). United States Travel Guide. Morningstar. (ISBN:9789866629952)

Kao, Y.-H. and Hsieh, P.-J. (2010). Boston. Morningstar. (ISBN:9789866629617)


研討會論文 Conference Presentations

研討會論文 Conference Presentations

Feng, Y.-J., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2018). The unconscious association between visual shapes and emotions. ASSC poster.

Hung, S.M., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2018). Dis-continuous flash suppression: A novel masking technique reveals temporal integration of subliminal linguisticinformation. VSS poster

Yong, Z., Hsieh, P.-J., and Milea, D. (2017). Neural Correlates of Sound-induced Visual Experience in Acquired Auditor-visual Synesthesia. APCV poster

Tan J., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2016). Context dependent crossmodal assocations between visual spatial frequencies and auditory amplitude modulation rates. VSS poster.

Yong, Z., Hsieh, P.-J., and Milea, D. (2017). Seeing sounds after visual loss: a case study of the neural correlates of acquired auditory-visual synesthesia. VSS poster.

Ananyev E. and Hsieh, P.-J. (2016). Faster motion takes priority: Interocular dynamic suppression of motion is primarily salience-based rather than feature-selective. VSS poster.

Hung, S.M., et al. and Hsieh, P.-J. (2016). Brain mapping reveals potential functions of ipRGCs in modulating eye movements. VSS poster.

Hung, S.M., Styles, S. and Hsieh, P.-J. (2016). Can a word sound sharp before you have seen it? Sound-shape mapping prior to conscious awareness. VSS poster.

Oh, S., Chuang, K.-H. and Hsieh, P.-J. (2015). Neural patterns similarity between encoding and retrieval correlates with memory-based visual task performance. SFN poster.

Dubey, R, Joshua Peterson, J., Hsieh, P.-J., Yang, M.-H., and Ghanem, B. (2015). Exploring the visual components that make an image memorable. VSS poster.

Oh, S.H., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2015). Effect of temporal regularity without awareness. ASSC poster.

Tan J., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2015). Temporal dynamics of unconscious salience processing. ASSC poster.

Yong, Z., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2015). Speed-size illusion explained by wholly empirical theory. ASSC poster.

Ananyev, E., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2015). The extent of feature-selective suppression for masking motion. ASSC poster.

Soon C.S., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2015). Choice-predictive brain signals across motor and abstract decisions. ASSC poster.

Huang, Y.F., Soon C.S., Mullette-Gillman, O.A., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2014). Pre-existing brain states predict risky choices. SFN poster

Dubey, R., Soon, C.S., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2014). A blurring based model of peripheral vision predicts visual search performances. VSS poster.

Hung, S.-M., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2014). Unconscious Syntactic Processing in the Absence of Semantics.VSS poster.

Huang, Y.F., Soon, C.S., Hsieh, P.-J. (2013). Response conflicts cannot be resolved unconsciously. APCV poster.

Echavarria, C., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2013). Exogonous attention improves object recognition without affecting apparent contrast. VSS poster.

Huang, Y.F., Soon C.S., Mullette-Gillman, O.A., Hsieh, P.-J. (2013). Pre-Existing Brain States Predict Risky Preferences. Society for NeuroEconomics poster.

Echavarria, C., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2012). Emotional Saliency allows for unconscious face adaptation. VSS poster.

Hsieh, P.-J., Colas, J., and Kanwisher, N.G. (2012). Pre-existing brain states predict aesthetic judgement. APCV poster.

Hsieh, P.-J., Colas, J., and Kanwisher, N.G. (2011). Unconscious pop-out: attentional capture by unseen feature singletons only when top-town attention is available. VSS poster.

Lashkari, D., Vul, E., Hsieh, P.-J., Golland, P., and Kanwisher, N.G. (2010). Discovering functionally defined brain systems. SFN.

Lashkari, D., Vul, E., Hsieh, P.-J., Golland, P., and Kanwisher, N.G. (2010). Discovering the structure of object representation through data-driven fMRI analysis, in Gordon Research Conference on Neurobiology of Cognition.

Vul, E., Lashkari, D., Golland, P., Hsieh, P.-J., and Kanwisher, N.G. (2009). Discovering the structure of object representation through fMRI clustering. VSS poster

Hsieh, P.-J., and Tse, P. U. (2006). Illusory color mixing upon perceptual filling-in does not result in 'forbidden colors' and reveals cortical processing. VSS poster.

Troncoso, X. G., Tse, P. U., Macknik, S. L., Caplovitz, G. P., Hsieh, P.-J., Schlegel, A. A., and Martinez-Conde, S. (2005). fMRI correlates of corner illusions show that bold activation varies gradually with corner angle. Optical Society of America. Fall Vision Meeting.

Gomez, C., Caplovitz, G. P., Hsieh, P.-J., and Tse, P. U. (2005). Neuronal correlates of common fate (spatial and temporal correlation) in retinotopic cortex. SFN poster.

Caplovitz, G. P., Hsieh, P.-J., and Tse, P. U. (2005). The neural correlates of trackable feature motion processing on the basis of second-order motion stimuli. SFN poster.

Caplovitz, G. P., Hsieh, P.-J., and Tse, P. U. (2005). The neural correlates of motion processing on the basis of trackable features. VSS poster.

Samco, M. R., Caplovitz, G. P., Hsieh, P.-J., and Tse, P. U. (2005). Neural correlates of human creativity revealed using diffusion tensor imaging. VSS poster.

Gomez, C., Caplovitz, G. P., Hsieh, P.-J., and Tse, P. U. (2005). Neuronal correlates of Common Fate (spatial and temporal correlation) in retinotopic cortex. VSS poster.

Tse, P. U., Samco, M., Caplovitz, G. P., and Hsieh, P.-J. (2004). Neural correlates of psychological attributes revealed using Diffusion tensor Imaging. SFN poster.

Hsieh, P.-J. and Lin, B.-L. (1998). Searching for the Proteins that Interact with Hsc70 of Arabidopsis thaliana. The 6th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan, R. O. C. poster.

系所成員 系所師資 專任教授 謝伯讓 Hsieh, Po-Jang