期刊論文 Publications
期刊論文 Publications
連韻文,鄧善娟,任純慧,祁業榮。(2019)。 禮樂傳統最優意識經驗的進路:雅樂舞身心功效初探。應用心理研究,70,123-184。
Yu-Jeng Ju, Yunn-Wen Lien. (2018). Who is prone to wander and when? Examining an integrative effect of working memory capacity and mindfulness trait on mind wandering under different task loads. Consciousness and cognition, 63, 1-10. (SSCI)
Shan-Chuan Teng, Hsuan-Fu Chao, Yunn-Wen Lien. (2018). Who is more flexible?—Awareness of changing context but not working memory capacity modulates inhibitory control. Acta Psychologica. 185, 41-51. . (SSCI)
Teng, S.-C., & Lien, Y.-W.(2016)What Confucius practiced is good for your mind: Examining the effect of a contemplative practice in Confucian tradition on executive functions. Consciousness and cognition, 42, 204-215.
Ju, Y.-J., & Lien, Y.-W. (2016). Better control with less effort: The advantage of using focused-breathing strategy over focused-distraction strategy on thought suppression. Consciousness and Cognition, 40, 9–16. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2015.12.002
Wing-Kwong Wong, W-K., Chao, T-K., Chen, P-R., Lien, Y-W., and Wu, C-J. (2015). Pendulum experiments with three modern electronic devices and a modeling tool. Journal of Computers in Education, 2(1):77–92.
Lin, W-L, & Lien Y-W. (2013). The different role of working memory in open-ended versus closed-ended creative problem solving: A dual-process theory account. Creativity Research Journal, 25, 85-96。
Evans, L., Tsai, P. S., Wu, D. H., Lien, Y. W., Gattis, M. (2013). The dimensional arrow: Agreement in directional mapping of dimensions among Mandarin Chinese- and English-speakers. Quarterly Journal Of Experimental Psychology. 66(9), 1729-1738.
Lin, W. L., Lien, Y. W. (2013). Exploration of the relationships between retrieval-induced forgetting effects with open-ended versus closed-ended creative problem solving. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 10, 40-49.
Lin, W. L., Lien, Y. W. (2013). The Different Role of Working Memory in Open-Ended Versus Closed-Ended Creative Problem Solving: A Dual-Process Theory Account. Creativity Research Journal. 25(1), 85-96.
Lin,W-L, & Lien Y-W. (2012). The different role of working memory in open-ended versus closed-ended creative problem solving: A dual-process theory account. Creativity Research Journal. 23
Lien, Y-W, & Lin, W-L. (2011). From falsification to generating an alternative hypothesis: exploring the role of the new-perspective hypothesis in successful 2-4-6 task performance. Thinking and Reasoning. 17, 105-136.
Jen, C-H., Lien Y-W. (2010). What is the source of the cultural differences? -- Examining the influence of thinking style on the attribution process. Acta Psychologica. 133(2):154-62
連韻文、朱瑞玲、任純慧、吳家華 (2006). 華人沒有基本與終極歸因偏誤嗎?對Morris與Peng (1994) 的回應 中華心理學刊. 48(2),163-181
林緯倫、連韻文、任純慧 (2005). 想得多是想得好的前提嗎?探討發散性思考能力在創意問題解決的角色 中華心理學刊. 47(3),211-227
黃永廣、連韻文、吳昭容、蘇順隆、殷聖楷、楊晰勛、陳亦媛 (2004). 訓練歸納與學習幾何概念的數位環境之鷹架輔助 全球華人計算機教育應用學報.
專書專章 Books/Chapters
專書專章 Books/Chapters
黃永廣,吳昭容 & 連韻文。(2014)。國小學童如何以自主式實驗發現幾何規律:數位學習工具 InduLab 的發展與成效評估。左台益&吳昭容(主編):數學數位學習。台灣:高等教育出版社。
研討會論文 Conference Presentations
研討會論文 Conference Presentations
Wing-Kwong Wong, Bo-Sing Guo, Tsung-Kai Chao,Chao-Jung Wu, Yunn-Wen Lien (2015). A study of high school students doing physics experiments with Arduino and other data logging devices. Proceeding for the Second International Conference on Open and Flexible Education, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Ju, Y-J & Lien, Y-W (2015). Better Control With Less Effort: The Advantage of Using Focused-Breathing Strategy Over Focused-Distraction Strategy on Thought Suppression. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Wang, Y., Teng, S.-C., Lien, Y.-W., Huang, Y.-A., & Chen, J.-H. (2014). Music Induces Mindfulness State -- The Sujecheon Effect. Paper presented at the third joint conference of ICMPC (International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition) and APSCOM(The Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music), Korea, Seoul.
W-K Wong, T-K Chao, P-R Chen, Y-W Lien and C-J Wu (2014). Mobile Devices and a Modelling Tool for Physics Experiments in High School. Paper presented at the International Conference on Smart Learning Environments, Hong Kong, China.
Lien, Y.-W., Teng, S.-C., Wang, Y., Huang, Y.-A., & Chen, J.-H. (2014). Listening to Ya-Yue Induces Mindfulness State. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chao, Tsung-Kai, Lien, Yunn-Wen and Wu, Chao-Jung (2012). Rediscovering scientific laws in high school physics labs with mobile devices,ICCE, Singapore.
Lin, M. H., Klein, H. A, Radford, M., Choi, I., & Lien, Y. W (2007, April). Cultural differences in information relevance: Implications for multinational teamwork. 22nd Annual Conference of The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York.
任純慧、連韻文 (2006, October). 分析性與整體性思維者的歸因歷程研究. 第45屆中華心理學年會, 台北.
Wu, C. J., Wong, W. K., Cheng, Y. H., & Lien, Y. W. (2006). Generating and evaluating geometry conjectures with self-directed experiments. 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Prague , Czech.