
系所成員 系所師資 專任教授 吳宗祐 Wu, Tsung-Yu

吳宗祐 Wu, Tsung-Yu

  • 職稱: 教授
  • 研究領域: 工商心理學
  • E-Mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
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    1991: 國立臺灣大學 國貿系(現改為國企系)
    1995: 國立臺灣大學 心理學研究所碩士 主修工商心理學
    2003: 國立臺灣大學 心理學研究所博士班 主修工商心理學

期刊論文 Publications

期刊論文 Publications

Kristine Velasquez Tuliao, Chung-We Chen, Tsung-Yu Wu. (2020). Employees’ perceived institutional importance, organizational norms, and organizational citizenship behavior: Insights from a multilevel assessment of the institutional anomie theory. The Journal of Social Psychology. 160(5), 624-643. (SSCI)

Wu, T.-Y., Chung, P. F., Liao, H.-Y., Hu, P.-Y., & Yeh, Y.-J. (2019) Role ambiguity and economic hardship as the moderators of the relation between abusive supervision and job burnout: An application of uncertainty management theory. The Journal of General Psychology. 146(4), 365-390. (SSCI)

Wu, T.-Y., Liu, Y.-F., Hua, C.-Y., Lo, H.-C., & Yeh, Y.-J. (2019) Too unsafe to voice? Authoritarian leadership and employee voice in Chinese organizations. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. (SSCI)




Chang, S.-C., Cheng, J.-W., Wu, T.-Y., Wang, J.-L., Hung, C.-Z. (2017). Can multicultural experience stimulate creativity? The moderating role of regulatory focus. International Journal of Innovation and Learning. 21(3), 329-347.


Zhang, Y., Long, L., Wu, T.-Y., Huang, X. (2015). When is pay for performance related to employee creativity in the Chinese context? The role of guanxi HRM practice, trust in management, and intrinsic motivation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(5), 698-719.


Hu, C., Baranik, L.E.*, & Wu, T.-Y. (2014). Antidotes to dissimilar mentor protégé dyads. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 85(2). 219-227.

Hu, C., Baranik, L.E.*, & Wu, T.-Y. (in press). Antidotes to dissimilar mentor protégé dyads. Journal of Vocational Behavior (SSCI). 

Hu, C., Wang, S.*, Yang, C.-C., & Wu, T.-Y. (2014). When mentors feel supported: Relationships with mentoring functions and proteges’ perceived organizational support. Journal Of Organizational Behavior. 35, 22-37. (SSCI) 

Wu, T.-Y.*, Lee S.-J., Hu, C., & Yang, C.-C. (2014). When supervisors perceived non-work support: Test of a trickle-down model. Journal Of Psychology. 148(2), 215-251. (SSCI). (SC 98-2410-H-031-005-MY2) 

廖紘億、郭洧棋、吳宗祐* (2014). 主管支持如何造就滿意員工?不確定管理理論的觀點 人力資源管理學報. 14(1), 23-52。(TSSCI) 

吳宗祐* (2013). 主管與部屬互動中的情緒勞動:回顧、釐清、及前瞻 人力資源管理學報. 13(3), 57-105。(TSSCI)。國科會:100-2410-H-011-026-MY3。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。 

吳宗祐*、吳華萍、連健翔、李宜旻 (2013). 價格、服務人員正向情緒表達、品牌知名度、及顧客忠誠度之關係:期望失驗理論的運用 顧客滿意學報. 9(2),215-245。 

Wu, T.- Y.*, Hu, C., Yang, C. C. (2013). Abusive supervision and workload demands from supervisors: Exploring two types of supervisor-related stressors and their association with strain. Stress and Health. 29, 190–198. (SSCI) 

Wu, T. -Y.*, & Hu, C. (2013). Abusive supervision and subordinate emotional labor: the moderating role of openness personality. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 43, 956–970. (SSCI) 

吳宗祐*、廖紘億 (2013). 華人威權領導必然導致部屬負面結果嗎?由『不確定管理理論』探討威權領導對分配不公平與程序不公平之交互作用與部屬工作滿意度之關係的調節效果 中華心理學刊. 55(1),1-22。(TSSCI) 

Wu, T.-Y. *, Hu, C., & Jiang, D.-Y. (2012). Is subordinate’s loyalty a precondition of supervisor’s benevolent leadership? The moderating effects of supervisor’s altruistic personality and perceived organizational support. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 15, 145-155. (SSCI) 

劉心瑜、吳宗祐* (2012). 負向顧客事件頻次與樂觀性格對情緒勞動的預測效果:服務關係長短的調節效果 人力資源管理學報. 12(4),1-28。 (TSSCI) 

Cheng, C.-Y.*, Leung, A. K.-y., & Wu, T.–Y. (2011). Going beyond the multicultural experience–creativity link: the mediating role of emotions. Journal of Social Issues. 67(4), 806—824. (SSCI) 

Hu, C. *, Wu, T. -Y., & Wang, Y. H. (2011). Measurement equivalence/invariance of the abusive supervision measure across workers from Taiwan and the United States. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied. 145(2), 111–131. (SSCI) 

Wu, T.-Y.*, & Hu, C. (2009). Abusive supervision and employee emotional exhaustion: Dispositional antecedents and boundaries. Group and Organization Management. 34(2), 143-169. (SSCI) 

吳宗祐* (2008). 由不當督導到情緒耗竭:部屬正義知覺與情緒勞動的中介效果 中華心理學刊. 50(2),201-221 。(TSSCI) 

吳宗祐*、周麗芳、鄭伯壎 (2008). 主管的權威取向及其對部屬順從與畏懼的知覺對威權領導的預測效果 本土心理學研究. 30期,65-115。(TSSCI) 

吳宗祐* (2008). 主管權威領導與部屬的工作滿意度與組織承諾:信任的中介歷程與情緒智力的調節效果 本土心理學研究. 30期,3-63。(TSSCI) 

吳宗祐*,鄭伯壎 (2006). 工作投入與調節他人情緒能力對情緒勞動與情緒耗竭之關係的調節效果 中華心理學刊. 48(1),69-87。(TSSCI) 

吳宗祐*,鄭伯壎 (2006). 難應付客戶頻次、知覺服務訓練兩者及情緒勞動與情緒耗竭之關係----「資源保存理論」的觀點 管理學報. 23(5),581-599。(TSSCI) 

鄔佩君*,陳彰儀,吳宗祐 (2005). 華人企業服務人員情緒勞動方式的前置因素與其結果之關係:以銀行行員為例 教育與心理研究. 28(4),693-719。(TSSCI) 

Cheng, B. S.*, Chou, L. F., Huang, M. P., & Wu, T. Y., Farh, J. L. (2004). Paternalistic leadership and subordinate reverence: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 7, 89-117 (SSCI, impact factor =0.607) 

吳宗祐*,鄭伯壎 (2003). 由外圍到核心,由對立到統合,由單元到多元,由國外到本土----組織情緒研究的回顧與前瞻 應用心理學研究. 19,137-173。 

吳宗祐*,徐瑋伶,鄭伯壎 (2002). 怒不可遏?或忍氣吞聲?華人企業中主管威權領導行為與部屬憤怒情緒反應的關係 本土心理學研究. 19,3-49。(TSSCI) 

研討會論文 Conference Presentations

研討會論文 Conference Presentations

Lee, S.-J., Wu, T.-Y., & Lin, T. C.-C. (2014). Do proactive people always lead to extra-role behaviors? A social capital perspective. Paper presented at the IACMR Conference on June 18-22, Beijing. 

Liao, H.-Y., & Wu, T.-Y. (2014). When does distributive justice influence employees’ turnover intention? Application of uncertainty management theory. Paper presented at the IACMR Conference on June 18-22, Beijing. 

吳宗祐 (2013). 在服務接觸之外:主管與部屬關係中的情緒勞動. 論文發表於「兩岸三地華人心理學家」學術研討會, 北京:北京師範大學。8月26-28日. 

李少仁、廖紘億、吳宗祐、林維珊 (2012). 多國經驗、開放性與創造力:三階交互作用效果之探討. 論文發表於「2012年人力資源管理小型研討會」, 台北:國防大學管理學院。11月20日. 

廖紘億、吳宗祐 (2012). 不確定性管理理論:回顧、整合與未來研究議題. 論文發表於「2012組織行為在台灣四十年:深化與展望」學術研討會, 台北:台大心理系。11月3-4日. 

李少仁、吳宗祐 (2012). 工作敬業:一個整合的回顧與研究議程. 論文發表於「2012組織行為在台灣四十年:深化與展望」學術研討會, 台北:台大心理系。11月3-4日. 

郭洧棋、吳宗祐、廖紘億、林楊貴、邱惠珍 (2012). 主管支持一定造就滿意員工? 從「不確定管理理論」探討部屬渴望改變傾向與公平知覺的調節式中介效果. 第五十一屆台灣心理學會, 10月13-14日(台中:亞洲大學). 

楊蕙安、吳宗祐、李少仁、杜淑娟 (2012). 第一線服務人員主動積極性格對於情緒勞動的影響歷程:以工作敬業為中介,工作自主性為調節. 第五十一屆台灣心理學會, 10月13-14日(台中:亞洲大學). 

吳樂樂、鄭雅琪、曾一哲、許雅雯、吳宗祐 (2012). 擁有情緒,卻不自知?中文隱性情緒測量的發展及其在組織管理的應. 第五十一屆台灣心理學會, 10月13-14日(台中:亞洲大學). 

曾鈺婷、郭綺庭、游雅竹、廖襄淇、吳孟庭、吳宗祐 (2012). 華人威權領導會減損部屬創造力嗎?部屬內在動機的中介效果與主管創造力的調節效果. 第五十一屆台灣心理學會, 10月13-14日(台中:亞洲大學). 

Liu, H. -Y., Wu, T. -Y., Hu, C. (2012). Service with a smile only for regular customers? The role of service relationship length on the relationship between emotional labor and its antecedents. Paper presented at the IACMR Conference on June 20-24, Hong Kong. 

林安憶、甘雅菱、李佳蕙、葉于瑄、籃瀅婷、吳宗祐 (2011). 學校聲望會影響履歷表評量嗎?馬太效應的應用與界限. 第五十屆台灣心理學會, 10月14-16日(台中:亞洲大學). 

吳宗祐、廖紘億 (2011). 程序公平與分配公平之交互作用何時可以預測員工工作滿意度?運用「不確定管理理論」探討華人威權領導的調節效果. 第七屆華人心理學家學術研討會, 9月1-3日(台北:中研院). 

Cheng, C.-Y., Leung, A. K.-y., & Wu, T. -Y. (2011). The mediating effect of negative emotions on the relationship of multicultural experience and creativity: The Application of mood-as-input model. Paper presented at International regional conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) will be held in Istanbul, June 30 - July 3, Turkey, Istanbul. 

李品樂、歐陽靖、王上綿、吳宗祐 (2010). 讚揚效果可以溢散嗎?顧客正向回饋對第一線服務人員正向情緒表達之影響. 台灣心理學會第49屆心理學年會, (嘉義:中正大學). 

Wu, T. Y., Hu, Pei-Yi、Jin-Huei Hsu (2010). Job role clarification and economic hardship as the moderators between abusive supervision and job burnout: An application of uncertainty management. Paper presented at 4th International Conference of Asian Congress of Health Psychology, August 27-31, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Wu, T. Y., Hu, C., Yang, C. C., & Hsu, Y. -W. (2010). When supervisors perceive non-work support: Test of a trickle-down model. Paper presented at 2010 Academy of Management Meeting, August 6-10, in Montreal, Canada. 

Wu, T. Y. (2010). Core self-evaluations and core other-evaluations: Their roles in organizational behaviors. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology 2010 (ICAP 2010), July 11-16, Melbourne, Australia. 

Wu, T. Y., Hu, C., Jiang, D. Y. (2010). Does subordinate loyalty always lead to supervisor benevolence? It depends on the supervisor’s altruism and the perceived organizational support!. Paper presented at the IACMR Conference on June 16-20, Shanghai, China. 

Hu, C., & Wu, T. Y. (2010). Mentoring Functions Provided by Supervisory Mentors: An Interactionist Approach. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, USA. 

Wu, T. Y., & Hu, C. (2009). Abusive supervision and emotional labor: Moderator role of openness. Paper presented at the 11th European Congress of Psychology, July 7-10, Oslo, Norway. 

Wu, T. Y., Hu, C., Lin, J. -H., & Hsu, Y. -W. (2008). Poor leadership and job stress: The moderating effects of coworker support and job characteristics. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2008 Academy of Management Meeting, August 8-13, Anaheim, California, USA. 

Wu, T. Y. (2008). From abusive supervision to subordinates' emotional exhaustion: The mediating effects of subordinates' justice perception and emotional labor. Paper accepted for presentation at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology ICP, July 20-25, Berlin, German. 

吳宗祐,周麗芳,鄭伯壎 (2008). 華人企業威權領導的前置因素-主管遵從權威取向及其對部屬順從與畏懼表現知覺的預測效果. 中國管理研究國際學會(International Association for Chinese Management Research)第三次學術會議,6月19-22日, 廣州. 

Hu, C., & Wu, T. Y. (2008). Measurement equivalence/invariance of the abusive supervision measure across two countries. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2008 Academy of Management Meeting, August 8-13, Anaheim, California, USA. 

Hu, C., Wu, T. -Y., & Lai, J. -H. (2007). Supervisor Dispositional Characteristics and Abusive Supervision. Paper accepted as poster session at the annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York, USA. 

Wu, T. Y., & Hu, C. (2007). Linking abusive supervision, surface acting and deep acting, and subordinates well-being. Paper presented at the 2007 Academy of Management Meeting, August 3-8, Philadelphia, USA. 

Wu, T. Y. (2007). From authoritarian leadership to employee well-being: The mediating process of emotional labor. Paper presented at the AASP 2007 conference, Sabah, Malaysia. 

吳宗祐,周麗芳,陳淑蕙 (2007). 華人團隊中的仁慈領導與成員間支持:取代或互補. 第十一屆全國心理學學術會議, (河南開封:河南大學). 

曾小萍,楊銘慈,許燕秋,盧佳芳,吳宗祐 (2007). 賦能與派遣人員工作滿意度之關連性:公平知覺與派遣動機的調節效果. 台灣心理學會第四十六屆心理學年會, (台南:成功大學). 

曾寶萱,吳宗祐 (2007). 人際衝突、情緒勞動與員工心理福祉的關係:表層演出的中介效果. 台灣組織與管理學會 2007年TAoM年會, (台北:國立政治大學). 

Wu, T. Y., & Hu, C. (2006). Abusive supervision and emotional exhaustion: Dispositional Antecedents and boundaries. Paper presented in the second conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Nanjing.(南京). 

Wu, T. Y., Chen, C. J., Hu, P. Y. (2006). Health Behaviors in Organizations: Antecedents, Consequences, and Implications for Management. Paper accepted as poster session at the The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, June 10-15, Vancouver, Canada. 

Wu, T. Y., Tsai, C. L., Chen, C. J.,m Hu, P. Y. (2006). Burnout and depression of employees in Tainan Science Park: Antecedents and consequence. Paper presented in International Conference of Industrial Higiene and Occupational Medicine (CIH), Taipei.(台北). 

Wu,T.Y., Cheng,B.S.,Chiang,D.Y.,& Chou,L.F. (2005). Authoritarian leadership in Chinese organizations: Antecedents, consequence, and moderators. Paper presented in Asian Association of Social Psychology 6th Biennial Conference, New Zealand. 

吳宗祐、鄭伯壎 (2004). 當「工作自我」面對「實際自我」:華人組織高度情緒勞動工作者在兩個「自我」上的動靜合分. 第七屆華人心理與行為科技學術研討會, 中研院人文社會科學研究中心(南港). 

吳宗祐,鄭伯壎 (2004). 情緒勞動、工作環境變項、自我監控、及情緒耗竭之關聯性----「資源保存理論」的觀點. 中國管理研究國際學會(International Association for Chinese Management Research)第一次學術會議, (北京). 

系所成員 系所師資 專任教授 吳宗祐 Wu, Tsung-Yu