
Wu, En-Chang

  • Appointment: Emeritus Professor
  • Research: Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
  • E-Mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
  • TEL: S113/ 886-2-33663113
  • Education:

    Ph.D., National Taiwan University



Huang, Y. W., Chen, C. Y., Weng, L. J., & Wu, Y. C. (2010). Clinical utility of metabolic syndrome for older Taiwanese International Journal of Gerontology. Published online. 

Wu, C. H., Chen, C. Y., Wu, Y. C., & Weng, L. J., & Hung, B. S. (2010). Diabetes mellitus and functional impairment in Taiwanese older men and women Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 50 (Supp 1), S6-S10 

Chien, L.L.,?Chen, C. Y., Weng, L. J., & Wu, Y. C. (2010). Longitudinal effects of self-perceptions of aging on physical?and psychological health, disease incidences, and survival?status: among Taiwan elderly . 

Yeh, H. Y., Chen, C. Y., Weng, L. J.& Wu,Y. C. (2010). A multi-dimensional theoretical model for explaining self-rated health determinants among older adults in Taiwan. . 

Chien Huang, Wen-Yau Hsu, Anthony R. Beech, & En-Chang Wu (2009). Identifying Offense Pathways and Associated Implicit Theories in a Taiwanese Sample of Convicted Rapists Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand. Vol. 1, No. 2, 79-86 

Wu, C. H., Chen, S. H., Weng, L. J., & Wu, Y. C. (2009). Social relations and PTSD symptoms: A prospective study on earthquake-impacted adolescents in Taiwan Journal of Traumatic Stress. 22(5), 451-459 

吳治勳、吳英璋、許文耀、蕭仁釗 (2008). 臺灣兒童及青少年關係量表(TRICA)之編製和心理計量特性研究 測驗學刊. 55輯,3期,頁535-557 

柯永河、陳秀蓉、吳英璋 (2008). 臨床心理學的回顧與前瞻:領域發展 應用心理研究. 40期,頁23-28 

吳治勳、陳淑惠、翁儷禎、吳英璋 (2008). 臺灣九二一地震災難暴露對青少年創傷後壓力反應及社會關係的影響之性別差異 中華心理學刊. 50 卷,4 期,頁367-382 

李依親、雷庚玲、吳英璋、劉逸元、謝雅萍 (2008). 唇顎裂嬰兒之母親的社會網絡對憂鬱與接納的調節及主要效果 中華心理學刊. 50卷,3期,頁303-326 

Kun-Hu Chen, Keng-Ling Lay, Yin-Chang Wu, & Grace Yao (2007). Adolescent Self-Identity and Mental Health: The Function of Identity Importance, Identity Firmness, and Identity Discrepancy. 中華心理學刊. 49卷,1期,頁53-72 

Li-Yu Tang, Ping-Kueng Yip, En-Chang Wu, Kai-Kuen Leung (2006). The Development and Validation of a Dementia Behavior Disturbance Inventory. International Psychogeriatrics. Vol. 18, No. 1, 95-110 

Chen, Sue-Huei* & Wu, Yin-Chang (2006). Changes of PTSD Symptoms and School Reconstruction: A Two-Year Prospective Study of Children and Adolescents after Changes of PTSD Symptoms and School Reconstruction: A Two-Year Prospective Study of Children and Adolescents after the Taiwan 921 Earthquake. Natural Hazards. Vol. 37, No. 1-2, 225-244. 

林耀盛,吳英璋 (2006). 不同憂鬱傾向、年齡之糖尿病患者其風險知覺與情緒狀態的特徵 臨床心理學刊. 2卷,2期,pp.64-75 

Yang, H. Y., Sun, C. C., & Wu, Y. C., Wang, J. D. (2005). Stress, insomnia, and chronic idiopathic urticaria- A case-control study. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 104(4), pp.254-263 

陳坤虎,雷庚玲,吳英璋 (2005). 不同階段青少年之自我認同內容及危機探索之發展差異 中華心理學刊. 47卷,3期,pp.249-268 

林耀盛,吳英璋 (2004). 雙重變奏曲:探究「九二一」地震「失親家毀」受創者之心理經驗現象 中華心理衛生學刊. 第十七卷,第二期,pp. 01-41 

Kai-Kuen Leung, En-Chang Wu, Bee-Horng Lue & Li-Yu Tang (2004). The use of focus groups in evaluating quality of life components among elderly Chinese people. Quality of Life Research. 13, pp. 179-190 



吳英璋 (2010). 慢性疾病的因應與適應心理歷程:糖尿病與乳癌的個案研究. . . 

吳英璋 (2009). 社區防救災的社會支持體系建構與災害風險管理—子計畫:宗教系統於災難下防治心理創傷模式之探討與落實(III). . . 

吳英璋 (2008). 天然災難下防治心理創傷措施的建構與落實—總計畫暨子計畫:宗教系統於災難下防治心理創傷模式之探討與落實(II). . . 

吳英璋,陳慶餘,梁繼權,呂碧鴻,邱泰源,鄭逸如,陳秀蓉,洪福建 (2008). 建構以解析憂鬱情緒為基礎的憂鬱症與自殺預防處置-以慢性病患為對象的臨床實務研究(第三年). . . 

吳英璋,謝念慈,張文宏 (2007). 研擬學生壓力調適及心理健康促進之因應策略. . . 

吳英璋 (2007). 天然災難下防治心理創傷措施的建構與落實—總計畫暨子計畫:宗教系統於災難下防治心理創傷模式之探討與落實(I). . . 

吳英璋,陳慶餘,梁繼權,呂碧鴻,邱泰源,鄭逸如,陳秀蓉,洪福建 (2007). 建構以解析憂鬱情緒為基礎的憂鬱症與自殺預防處置-以慢性病患為對象的臨床實務研究(第二年). . . 

吳英璋,陳淑惠 (2006). 整合型計畫:災後心?反應?程與心?處置之長期追蹤研究-子計畫:兒童與青少年災後心理反應長期追蹤研究:震災、水災、SARS 等災後心理反應的比較研究. . . 

吳英璋,陳慶餘,梁繼權,呂碧鴻,邱泰源,鄭逸如,陳秀蓉,洪福建 (2006). 建構以解析憂鬱情緒為基礎的憂鬱症與自殺預防處置-以慢性病患為對象的臨床實務研究(第一年). . . 

Conference Presentations

Conference Presentations

Pai, H. Y., Ho, H. L., Wu, C. H. & Wu, Y. C. (2010). Exploration of the relationships among general self-efficacy, goal-disengagement, goal-reengagement, and subjective well-being in undergraduates. 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Ho, H. L., Yang, C. C., Huang, S. J., Tsai, Y. H., & Wu, Y. C. (2010). Patterns of recovery goals of patients with mild traumatic brain injury. 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Huang, Y. H. & Wu, Y. C. (2010). The relationship between attentional bias and anxiety in chronic disease patients and high- and low-trait anxiety. 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Huang, C. C., Wu, C. H., & Wu, Y. C. (2010). The relationship between social relations, self-efficacy and psychosomatic symptoms of Taiwanese teenagers in different development stages. 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Shang, P. Y., Huang, Y. H., Wu, Y. C., Lien, Y. H., & Wu, C. H. (2010). The Effects of Self-Efficacy and Competitive State Anxiety on Sports Performance in Tennis Players. 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Chang, C. C., Lu, Y. F., Wu, C. H., Yeh, H. Y., & Wu, Y. C. (2010). Clarifying Occupational Stressors by Person-Environment Fit Theory: Taking Research & Development Personnel in High-Technology Industry as an Example. 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yin-Chang Wu (2009). Integrating Life Education Curricula with Disaster Psychological Prevention: From 921 Earthquake Experiences to Educational Policy Making. Presented at International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yin-Chang Wu (2009). Depicting Posttraumatic Growth form Self-Persuasion Process: Functions of Religion. Presented at International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Wu, C. H., Chen, C. Y., Wu, Y. C., & Weng, L. J. (2009). Successful aging? Disease status is not that important in Taiwanese older adults’ subjective wellbeing. International Conference on Geriatric Syndrome Studies, Taipei, Taiwan. 

翁嘉英、吳振能、吳英璋 (2008). 「病人角色」的抗拒與接受. 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會年會暨學術研討會, 台北市. 

吳英璋 (2008). DM病患衛教困境的分析. 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會年會暨學術研討會, 台北市. 

Wu, C. H., Chen, C. Y., Wu, Y. C., & Weng, L. J. (2008). Diabetes and cognitive function changes in old Taiwanese adults. 11th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Hsueh-Lin Ho, Chi-Cheng Yang, Sheng-Jean Huang, Yin-Chang Wu (2008). The Stress Coping Process of Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. . Presented at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, 20th – 25th July, 2008, Berlin, Germany. 

Yun-Hsin Huang, Yih-Ru Cheng, Hsiu-Yu Yeh, Chih-Hsun Wu, Yang-Weng Huang,? Yin-Chang Wu (2008). Differences in Chronic Patients Cared in Different Medical Settings. . Presented at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, 20th – 25th July, 2008, Berlin, Germany. 

Chih-Hsun Wu, Hsiu-Yu Yeh, Yun-Hsin Huang, Yang-Wen Huang, Yin-Chang Wu, Yih-Ru Cheng (2008). Why some chronic disease patients felt more negatively than others: A study in Taiwan.. Presented at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, 20th – 25th July, 2008, Berlin, Germany. 

Hsiu-Yu Yeh, Liang-Lin Chien, Yun-Hsin Huang, Chih-Hsun Wu, Yang-Wen Huang, Yin-Chang Wu (2008). Risk of Depressive Reactions and Its Prevention in Chronic Disease Patients. Presented at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, 20th – 25th July, 2009, Berlin, Germany. 

Yin-Chang Wu (2007). Comparison of Children’s and Adolescent’s Psychological Reactions to Earthquake, to SARS, and to Floods and Typhoon. . Presented at 2nd ICUDR: International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, November 27th-29th, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Hsiu-Yu Yeh, Chih-Hsun Wu, Yin-Chang Wu (2007). The Stress Coping Model of Women with Breast Cancer in Taiwan: An Exploratory Research (Pos-84). . Presented at The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology, “Health Psychology in Asia: A Cultural Collage toward a Future Perspective”, September 1st-2nd, 2007, Waseda University International Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan. 

Yang-Wen Huang, Chih-Hsun Wu, Yin-Chang Wu (2007). The Effect of Parent-Child Interaction on Adolescents’ School Adjustment in Taiwan (Pos-82). . Presented at The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology, “Health Psychology in Asia: A Cultural Collage toward a Future Perspective”, September 1st-2nd, 2007, Waseda University International Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan. 

Chia-Hua Lee & Yin-Chang Wu (2007). The Meaning-Making of Terminal Patients (Pos-81). . Presented at The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology, “Health Psychology in Asia: A Cultural Collage toward a Future Perspective”, September 1st-2nd, 2007, Waseda University International Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan. 

Chih-Hsun Wu, Yin-Chang Wu, Sue-Huei Chen, Ching-Yu Chen (2007). What Made Them Feel Healthy or Not? The Psychological and Physical Factors that Affect Health Status and Life Satisfaction of Older Taiwanese Adults (Pos-80).. Presented at The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology, “Health Psychology in Asia: A Cultural Collage toward a Future Perspective”, September 1st-2nd, 2007, Waseda University International Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan. 

Yih-Chien Ren, Yun-Hsin Huang, Yin-Chang Wu (2007). The Functions of Self-efficacy in Coping Against Diabetes Mellitus (Pos-26).. Presented at The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology, “Health Psychology in Asia: A Cultural Collage toward a Future Perspective”, September 1st-2nd, 2007, Waseda University International Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan. 

Yin-Chang Wu (2007). Research and Development of Health Psychology in Taiwan. . Presented at The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology, “Health Psychology in Asia: A Cultural Collage toward a Future Perspective”, September 1st-2nd, 2007, Waseda University International Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan.