Teoh, Y.S., Pipe, M-E., Johnson, Z., & Lamb, M.E. (in press). Eliciting accounts of sexual abuse: Do children spontaneously report touch? Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. (SSCI)
Teoh, Y.S. & Lamb, M.E. (2013). Interviewer demeanor in forensic interviews of children. Psychology, Crime, and Law. 19(2), 145-159. (SSCI)
Teoh, Y. S. & Lamb, M.E. (2010). Preparing children for investigative interviews: Rapport-building, instruction, and evaluation. Applied Developmental Science. 14(3), 154-163. (SSCI)
Teoh, Y. S., Yang, P. J., Lamb, M.E., & Larsson, A. (2010). Do human figure drawings help alleged victims of sexual abuse provide elaborate and clear accounts of physical contact with alleged perpetrators? Applied Cognitive Psychology. 24, 287-300. (SSCI)
Leekam, S. R., Solomon, T. L., & Teoh, Y. S. (2010). Adults’ social cues facilitate young children’s use of signs and symbols. Developmental Science. 13(1), 108-119. (SSCI)