
Yeh, Su-Ling

  • Appointment: Distinguished Professor
  • Research: Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
  • E-Mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
  • TEL: S403/ 886-2-33663097
  • Interests:

    Consciousness/Metacognition/Attention and perception/Multisensory perception/Psycholinguistics/Applied Research on Image Processing and Displays/AI & Robots/Aging from a Positive Perspective/Affective Computing/Communication / Fintech Cooperation Project

  • Courses:

    Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience/Cross-model Information Processing/Research on Consciousness and Perception (Ⅱ)

  • Professional Experience:

    2023-2024 Fellow at National Humanities Center (NHC), USA
    2020-present Associate Dean, College of Science, National Taiwan University
    2019-2020: Stanford-Taiwan Social Science Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
    2018-present: Association for Psychological Science (APS) fellow, USA
    2018-present: Associate director, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics, National Taiwan University
    2010-present: Jointly Appointed Professor, Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
    2012-present: Lifetime Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
    2004-present: Full Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
    1995-2004:Associate Professor Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University

  • Honors & Awards:


    2024:Chair Professorships of Humanities, National Taiwan University
    2023:Fu Ssu-Nien Memorial Chair Professorship
    2014:Academic award of Ministry of Education
    2004, 2012:Distinguished Research Award (Twice)
    2012, 2013:Academic Performance Award for Distinguished Journal Paper
    2004-2011:Academic Performance Award for Excellent Journal Paper
    2004:Research Contribution Award in Humanities and Social Sciences
    2002-2003:Da-Yo Memorial Award
    1996-2000:Recipient of Research Awards (Five times)
    2000:Elected outstanding scholar
    2000:Award for supervision of NSC independent research


    2006, 2012:Distinguished Teaching Award for best teachers at NTU (Twice)
    2004-2005:Teaching Award for best teachers at NTU (Twice)
    2003-2005:Teaching Award of best teachers at the College of Science of NTU(Three times)
    2002:Course Award

  • Education:

    1994 Doctor of Philosophy, Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of California at Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
    1987 Master of Science, Psychology, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
    1985 Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan



Tsai, C. C., Chen, L. Y., Huang, C. W., Zeng, P. Z. & Yeh, S. L. (in press). Psychological Dynamics of Unit-Linked Insurance Product Decision-Making: A Cognitive Model. Cogent Economics & Finance.

Fang, Y., Pérez-Molerón, J. M., Merino, L., Yeh, S. L., Nishina, S., & Gomez, R. (in press). Enhancing Social Robot’s Direct Gaze Expression through Simulated Visual Perception Processing. Advanced Robotics.

Chien, S. E., Chen, Y. S., Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (in press). Exploring the Developmental Aspects of the Uncanny Valley Effect on Children’s Preferences for Robot Appearance. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

Huang, C. W., Zeng, P. Y., Yeh, S. L.* (in press). Precision Nudge: Customer-Centric Business Applications. Research in Applied Psychology.

Chang, J. J., Chen, Y. C., Yeh, S. L., Tang, P. F., & Tu, C. K. (2024). Impacts of audiovisual simultaneity perception on single-task and dual-task gaits in middle-aged and older adults. Gait & Posture, 113, 99-105. 

Lee, H. H., Liu, G. K. M., Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2024). Exploring quantitative measures in metacognition of emotion. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1990.

Li, Y. T., Yeh, S. L., & Huang, T. R. (2023). The cross-race effect in automatic facial expression recognition violates measurement invariance. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1201145.

Teng, W. A., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, H. H. (2023). Comparison of Light Field and Conventional Near-Eye AR Displays in Virtual-Real Integration Efficiency. International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM), 14(1), 1-17.

Feng, Y. J., Yeh, S. L., & Hsieh, P. J. (2023). Objective Measurements of Well-being. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 65(2), 145–162.

Ueda, Y., Huang, T. R., Shen, Z., Sakata, C., Yeh, S. L., & Saito, S. (2023). Sequential processing facilitates Hebb repetition learning in visuospatial domain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Chien, S. E., Yeh, S. L.*, Yamashita, W., & Tsujimura, S. I. (2023). Enhanced human contrast sensitivity with increased stimulation of melanopsin in intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells. Vision Research, 209, 108271.

Huang, T. R., Chen, T. C., Lin, T. Y., Goh, J. O., Chang, Y. L., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2023). Spatially Small-scale Approach-avoidance Behaviors Allow Learning-free Machine Inference of Object Preferences in Human Minds. International Journal of Social Robotics, 15, 999-1006.

Chen, Y. C., Yeh, S. L.*, Lin, W., Yueh, H. P., Fu, L. C. (2023). The Effects of Social Presence and Familiarity on Children–Robot Interactions. Sensors, 23, 4231

Yang, C. C., Tsujimura, S., & Yeh, S. L.* (2023). Blue-light background impairs visual exogenous attention shift. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 3794.

Chien, S. E., Chang, W. C., Chen, Y. C., Huang, S. L., & Yeh, S. L.* (2022). The limits of unconscious semantic priming. Current Psychology, 1-12.

Chien, S. E., Yang, Y. H., Ono, Y., & Yeh, S. L.* (2022). Theta activity in semantic priming under visual crowding as revealed by magnetoencephalography. Neuroscience Research, 185, 29-39.

Yang, Y. H., Huang, T. R., & Yeh, S. L.* (2022). Role of visual awareness on semantic integration of sequentially presented words: An fMRI study. Brain and Cognition, 164, 105916

Huang, Y. C., Gamborino, E., Huang, Y. J., Qian, X., Fu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2022). Inferring Stressors from Conversation: Towards an Emotional Support Robot Companion. International Journal of Social Robotics, 14, 1657-1671.

Chang, Y. L., Luo, D. H., Huang, T. R., Goh, J. O. S., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2022). Identifying mild cognitive impairment by using human-robot interactions. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 85(3): 1129-1142.

Hsu, T. Y., Zhou, J. F., Yeh, S. L.*, Northoff, G., & Lane, T. J. (2022). Intrinsic neural activity predisposes susceptibility to a body illusion. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 3(1), tgac012.

Lo, S. Y., Lai, Y. Y., Liu, J.C., & Yeh, S. L.*(2022). Robots and sustainability: Robots as persuaders to promote recycling. International Journal of Social Robotics,1-12.

Liu, J. C., Li, K, A., Yeh, S. L. *, & Chien, S. Y. (2022). Assessing Perceptual Load and Cognitive Load by Fixation-Related Information of Eye Movements. Sensors22(3), 1187.

Pan, J., Yan, M., & Yeh, S. L.* (2022). Accessing Semantic Information from above: Parafoveal Processing during the reading of vertically presented sentences in Traditional Chinese. Cognitive Science46(2), e13104.

Lee, H. H., Chen, Z. L., Yeh, S. L.*, Hsiao, J. H. W., & Wu, A. A. Y. (2021). When eyes wander around: Mind-wandering as revealed by eye movement analysis with hidden Markov models. Sensors21(22), 7569.

Chen, Y. C., Yeh, S. L.*, Huang, T. R., Chang, Y. L., Goh, J. O. S., & Fu, L. C. (2021). Social Robots for Evaluating Attention State in Older Adults. Sensors21(21), 7142

Chen, Y. C., Yeh, S. L.*, & Tang, P. F. (2021). Age-related changes in audiovisual simultaneity perception and their relationship with working memory. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 76(6), 1095-1103.

Hsiao, J. H., Chan, A. B., An, J., Yeh, S. L., & Jingling, L. (2021). Understanding the collinear masking effect in visual search through eye tracking. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(6), 1933-1943.

Lee, H. H., Tu, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2021). In search of blue-light effects on cognitive control. Scientific Reports11, 15505.

Lee, H. H., & Yeh, S. L*. (2021). Blue-light effects on saccadic eye movements and attentional disengagement. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics83(4), 1713-1728.

Huang, T. R., Liu, Y. W., Hsu, S. M., Goh, J. O. S., Chang, Y. L., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2020). Asynchronously embedding psychological test questions into human–robot conversations for user profiling. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(6), 1359-1368.

Chen, J. H., Kuo, T. Y., Yu, H. L., Wu, C., Yeh, S. L., Chiou, J. M., Cheng, T. F., Chen, Y. C. (2020). Long-term exposure to air pollutants and cognitive function in Taiwanese community-dwelling older adults: A four-year cohort study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 78(4), 1585-1600.

Chen, Y. T., Lee, H. H., Shih, C. Y., Chen, Z. L., Beh, W. K., Yeh, S. L., & Wu, A. Y. (2020). An effective entropy-assisted mind-wandering detection system with EEG signals based on MM-SART database. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.12076.

Chien, S. E., Chen, Y. C., Matsumoto, A., Yamashita, W., Shih, K. T., Tsujimura, S. I., Yeh, S. L.* (2020). The modulation of background color on perceiving audiovisual simultaneity. Vision Research, 172, 1-10.

Tu, Y. C., Chien, S. E., & Yeh, S. L.* (2020). Age-related differences in the uncanny valley effect. Gerontology, 66(4), 382-392.

Chu, L., Chen, H. W., Cheng, P. Y., Ho, P., Weng, I. T., Yang, P. L., Chien, S. E., Tu, Y. C., Yang, C. C., Wang, T. M., Fung, H. H., & Yeh, S. L.* (2019). Identifying features that enhance older adults’ acceptance of robots: A mixed methods study. Gerontology, 65(4), 441-450.

Chien, S. E., Chu, L., Lee, H. H., Yang, C. C., Lin, F. H., Yang, P. L., Wang, T. M., & Yeh, S. L.* (2019). Age difference in perceived ease of use, curiosity, and implicit negative attitude toward robots. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 8(2), 1-19.

Chen, H. W., & Yeh, S. L.* (2019). Effects of Blue Light on Dynamic Vision. Frontiers in Psychology10, 497.

Yang, Y. H. & Yeh, S. L.* (2018). Can emotional content be extracted under interocular suppression? PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0206799.

Yang, P. L., Tsujimura, S. I., Matsumoto, A., Yamashita, W., & Yeh, S. L.* (2018). Subjective time expansion with increased stimulation of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells. Scientific Reports, 8, 11693.

Lo, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. * (2018). Does “a picture is worth 1000 words” apply to iconic Chinese words? Relationship of Chinese words and pictures. Scientific Reports, 8, 8289.

Liu, T., Yeh, S. L., & Hsiao, J. (2018). Transfer of the left-side bias effect in perceptual expertise: The case of simplified and traditional Chinese character recognition. PLoS ONE13(4): e0194405.

Chu, C. Y., Chen, S., Yen, Y. C., Yeh, S. L., Chu, H. H., & Huang, P. (2018). EQ: A QoE-Centric Rate Control Mechanism for VoIP Calls. Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, 3(1), 4.

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L.* (2018). Unconscious processing of facial expression as revealed by affective priming under continuous flash suppression. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(6), 2215-2223.

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L.*(2017). Dissociating Location-Based and Object-Based Cue Validity Effects in Object-Based Attention. Vision Research, 143, 34-41.

Yeh, S. L.*, Lane, T., Chang, A. Y., & Chien, S. E. (2017). Switching to the rubber hand. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2172.

Yeh, S. L.*, Chou, W. L., & Ho, P. (2017). Lexical processing of Chinese sub-character components: Semantic activation of phonetic radicals as revealed by the Stroop effect. Scientific Reports, 7, 15782.

Li, K. A., & Yeh, S. L.* (2017). Mean size estimation yields left-side bias: Role of attention on perceptual averaging. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics79, 2538-2551.

Yang, Y. H., Zhou, J., Li, K. A., Hung, T., Pegna, A. J. & Yeh, S. L.* (2017). Opposite ERP effects for conscious and unconscious semantic processing under continuous flash suppression. Consciousness and Cognition54, 114-128.

Yang, Y. H., Tien, Y. H., Yang, P. L., & Yeh, S. L.* (2017). Role of consciousness in temporal integration of sematic information. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience17(5), 954-972.

Lane, T., Yeh, S. L.*, Tseng, P. & Chang, A. Y. (2017). Timing disownership experiences in the rubber hand illusion. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 2(1), 4.

Shih, K. T., Liu, J. S., Shyu, J. S., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, H. H. (2016). Blocking harmful blue light while preserving image color appearance. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 35(6), 175, 1-10.

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2016). Examining radical position and function in Chinese character recognition using the repetition blindness paradigm. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 32(1), 37-54

Zhou, J., Lee, C. L., & Yeh, S. L.* (2016). Word meanings survive visual crowding: Evidence from ERPs. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience31(9), 1167-1177.

Ho, M. C., Li, S. H., & Yeh, S. L.* (2016). Early attentional bias for negative words when competition is induced. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 78, 1030-1042.

Liu, T., Chuk, T., Yeh, S. L., & Hsiao, J. H. (2016). Transfer of perceptual expertise: the case of simplified and traditional Chinese character recognition. Cognitive Science, 40(2), 1941-1968.

Zhou, J., Lee, C. L., Li, K. A., Tien, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L.* (2016). Does temporal integration occur for unrecognizable words in visual crowding? PLoS ONE, 11(2), e0149355.

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L.* (2016). Interocular grouping without awareness. Vision Research, 121, 23-30.

Tan, J. S., & Yeh, S. L.* (2015). Audiovisual integration facilitates unconscious visual scene processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41(5), 1325-1335.

Huang, T. H., Yeh, S. L., Yang, Y. H., Liao, H. I., Tsai, Y. Y., Chang, P. J., & Chen, H. H. (2015). Method and experiments of subliminal cueing for real-world images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 74(22), 10111-10135.

Li, J. H., Li, K. A., Tsai, Y. Y., & Yeh, S. L.* (2015). Self-accompanied by one’s own name? Exploring the self-concept of Buddhism. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 57(2), 195-211 [In Chinese].

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L.* (2015). Unconscious grouping of Chinese words: Evidence from object-based attention. Language and Linguistics, 16(4), 517-533.

Chen, Y. H., Zhou, J. F., & Yeh, S. L.* (2015). Beyond the SNARC effect: distance-number mapping occurs in the peripersonal space. Experimental Brain Research, 233(5), 1519-1528.

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2015). Binding radicals in Chinese character recognition: Evidence from repetition blindness. Journal of Memory and Language, 78, 47-63.

Tsai, Y. Y., & Yeh, S. L.* (2014). Low temporal precision for high impulsive individuals. Personality and Individual Differences, 70, 92-96.

Chou, W. L., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, C. C. (2014). Distinct mechanisms subserve location- and object-based visual attention. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 456.

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L.* (2014). Unmasking the dichoptic mask by sound: Spatial congruency matters. Experiment Brain Research, 232(4), 1109-1116.

Huang, T. H., Shih, K. T., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, H. H. (2013). Enhancement of backlight-scaled images. IEEE Transitions on Image Processing, 22(12), 4587-4597.

Liao, H. I., & Yeh, S. L.* (2013). Capturing attention is not that simple: Different mechanisms for stimulus-driven and contingent capture. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75(8), 1703-1714.

Tsai, Y. Y., & Yeh, S. L.* (2013). Freezing effect in tactile perception: Sound facilitates tactile identification by enhancing intensity but not duration. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(4), 925-932.

Yeh, S. L.*, & Huang, J.T. (2013). Special Issue: The core and key transformation of cognitive studies in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 55(3), 1-3.

Liao, H. I., Shimojo, S., & Yeh, S. L.* (2013). Happy faces are preferred regardless of familiarity—Sad faces are preferred only when familiar. Emotion, 13(3), 391-396.

Yeh, S. L.*, He, S., & Cavanagh, P. (2012). Semantic priming from crowded words. Psychological Science, 23(6), 608-616.

Chen, S., Chu, C., Yeh, S. L., Chu, H., & Huang, P. (2012). Modeling the QoE of rate changes in Skype/ SILK VoIP calls. IEEE/ ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 22(6), 1781-1793.

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2012). Look into my eyes and I will see you: Unconscious processing of human gaze. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(4), 1703-1710.

Hsiao, J. Y., Chen, Y. C., Spence, C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2012). Assessing the effects of audiovisual semantic congruency on the perception of a bistable figure. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(2), 775-787.

Li, J. L., Hsiao, C. H., & Yeh, S. L.* (2012). Predictability matters: On the stimulus-driven account of the multiple-cue effect. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(1), 18-25.

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L.* (2012). Object-Based Attention Occurs Regardless of Object Awareness. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19(2), 225-231.

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L.* (2012). Every moment counts: Smooth transition of object boundary reflects constant updating in object-based attention. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 74(3), 533-539.

Huang, J.T., Yeh, S. L.*, & Chen, L. (2012). Introduction to the Special Issue: Highlights from the 2010 Cross-Strait Forum on the Joint Development of Cognitive Science Studies. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 54(1), 27-30.

Yeh, S. L.* (2011). Introduction to the Special Issue: Highlights of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision 2010. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 53(4), 3-6.

Chen, Y. C., Huang, P. C., Yeh, S. L., & Spence, C. (2011). Synchronous sounds enhance visual sensitivity without reducing target uncertainty. Seeing and Perceiving, 24(6), 623-638.

Lee, W. F., Huang, T. H., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, H. H. (2011). Learning-based prediction of visual attention for video signals. IEEE Transitions on Image Processing, 20(11), 3028-3038.

Chou, W. L, & Yeh, S. L.* (2011). Subliminal Spatial Cues Capture Attention and Strengthen Between-Object Link. Consciousness and Cognition, 20(4), 1265-1271.

Chen, Y. C., Yeh, S. L.*, & Spence, C. (2011). Crossmodal constraints on human perceptual awareness: auditory semantic modulation of binocular rivalry. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 212.

Lo, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L.* (2011). Independence between implicit and explicit processing as revealed by the Simon effect. Consciousness and Cognition, 20(3), 523-533.

Liao, H. I., & Yeh, S. L.* (2011). Interaction between stimulus-driven orienting and top-down modulation in attentional capture. Acta Psychologica, 138(1), 52-59.

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L.* (2011). Accessing the meaning of invisible words. Consciousness and Cognition, 20(2), 223-233.

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L.* (2011). First Come, First Served? Influence of Changed Object Configuration on Object-Based Attention. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73(3), 678-687.

Liao, H. I., Yeh, S. L., & Shimojo, S. (2011). Novelty vs. familiarity principles in preference decisions: Task-context of past experience matters. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 43.

Hsu, L. C., Kramer, P., & Yeh, S. L.* (2010). Monocular depth effects on perceptual fading. Vision Research, 50(17), 1649-1655,

Yeh, S. L.*, & Liao, H. I. (2010). On the generality of the displaywide contingent orienting hypothesis: Can a visual onset capture attention without top-down control settings for displaywide onset? Acta Psychologica, 135(2), 159-167.

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2009). Catch the moment: Multisensory enhancement of rapid visual events by sound. Experimental Brain Research, 198(2-3), 209-219.

Ho, M. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2009). Effects of instantaneous object input and past experience on object-based attention. Acta Psychologica, 132(1), 31-39.

Chen, K. M. & Yeh, S. L.* (2009). Asymmetric cross-modal effects in time perception. Acta Psychologica, 130(3), 225-234.

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2009). Radical representation in models of Chinese character recognition. Research in Applied Psychology, 43, 177-205.

Lo, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L.*(2008). Dissociation of processing time ad awareness by the inattentional blindness paradigm. Consciousness and Cognition, 17(4), 1169-1180.

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L.* (2008). Location- and object-based inhibition of return are affected by different kinds of working memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(12), 1761-1768.

Yeh, S. L.*, & Liao, H. I. (2008). On the generality of the contingent orienting hypothesis. Acta Psychologica, 129(1), 157-165.

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L.* (2008). Visual events modulated by sound in repetition blindness. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15(2), 404-408.

Li, J. L., & Yeh, S. L.* (2007). New objects do not capture attention without a top-down setting: Evidence from an inattentional blindness task. Visual Cognition, 15(6), 661-684.

Liao, H. I., & Yeh, S. L.* (2007). Involuntary orienting caused by salient stimuli outside focal attention: Comparison of two paradigms. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 49(2), 145-158.

Hsu, L. C., Yeh, S. L.*, & Kramer, P. (2006). A common mechanism for perceptual filling-in and motion-induced blindness. Vision Research, 46(12), 1973-1981.

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L.* (2005). Object-based inhibition of return: Evidence from overlapping objects. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 47(1), 1-13.

Yeh, S. L.*, & Li, J. H. (2005). The allocation of focal attention in visual space: Unitary or split? Research in Applied Psychology, 25, 143-178.

Yeh, S. L.*, & Li, J. H. (2004). Sublexical processing in visual recognition of Chinese characters: Evidence from repetition blindness for sub-character components. Brain and Language, 88(1), 47-53.

Yeh, S. L.*, Lin, Y. H., & Li, J. H. (2004). Role of character structure in judgments of visual similarity of Chinese characters for children in elementary school. Journal of Education and Psychology, 27(1), 95-118.

Li, J. H., & Yeh, S. L.* (2004). The selection basis of visual attention: space-based or object-based? Research in Applied Psychology, 21, 165-194.

Hsu, L. C., Yeh, S. L.*, & Kramer, P. (2004). Linking motion-induced blindness to perceptual filling-in. Vision Research, 44(24), 2857-2866.

Yeh, S. L.*, Li, J. L., Takeuchi, T., Sun, V. C., & Liu, W. R. (2003). The role of learning experience on the perceptual organization of Chinese characters. Visual Cognition, 10(6), 729-764.

Li, J. L., & Yeh, S. L.* (2003). Do “Chinese and Americans see opposite apparent motions in a Chinese character”? Tse and Cavanagh (2000) replicated and revised. Vision Cognition, 10(5), 537-547.

Yeh, S. L.*, Chang, H. C., Chen, I. P., & Lee, C. Y. (2003). Prelexical phonology by low spatial frequency channels? Chinese Journal of Psychology, 45(1), 11-27.

Yeh, S. L.*, & Li, J. L. (2002). Role of structure and component in judgments of visual similarity of Chinese characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28(4), 933-947.

Chen, I. P., Yeh, S. L.*, & Lin, S. Y. (2001). Critical phase band for Chinese character recognition. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 43(2), 155-173.

Yeh, S. L.* (2000). Structure detection of Chinese characters: visual search slope as an index of similarity between different-structured characters. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 42(2), 191-216.

Yeh, S. L.*, & Chen, I. P. (2000). Trichromatic theory of color vision and its applications. Research in Applied Psychology, 5, 114-141.

Chen, I. P., & Yeh, S. L.* (2000). Gamma correction for monitors used in psychological experiments. Research in Applied Psychology, 5, 143-164.

Yeh, S. L.*, & Chen, I. P. (2000). Trichromatic theory of color vision: related phenomena and explanations. Research in Applied Psychology, 6, 29-32.

Yeh, S. L.*, & Chen, I. P. (1999). Is early visual processing attention impenetrable? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22(3), 400.

Yeh, S. L.*, Li, J. L., & Chen, K. M. (1999). Classification of Chinese characters: Verification by different predesignated categories and varied sample sizes. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 41(1), 65-85.

Yeh, S. L.*, Li, J. L., & Chen, I. P. (1997). The perceptual dimensions underlying the classification of the shapes of Chinese characters. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 39(1), 47-74.

Yeh, S. L.*, Chen, I. P., De Valois, K. K., & De Valois, R. L. (1996). Figural aftereffects and spatial attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22(2), 446-460.

Zhang, J., Yeh, S. L., & De Valois, K. K. (1993). Motion contrast and motion integration. Vision Research, 33(18), 2721-2732.

Rueckl, J. G., Suzuki, S., & Yeh, S. L. (1991). On the locus of redundancy effects in a letter-detection task. Perception and Psychophysics, 49(5), 412-421.



Yeh, S. L. (2022). The role of psychologists in a human-oriented era of AI. In C. L. Lee & W. Y. Lin (Ed.), An interdisciplinary exploration of AI in humanities and social sciences (pp. 227-244). National Tsing Hua University Press, Hsinchu.

Gamborino, E., Herrera Ruiz, A., Wang, J. F., Tseng T.Y., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2021). Applications in Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Agents (Ed.). Towards Effective Robot-Assisted Photo Reminiscence: Personalizing Interactions Through Visual Understanding and Inferring BT-Cross-Cultural Design (pp. 335-349). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Yeh, S. L. (2019). Perception and awareness: The duet of consciousness. In Y. H. Hung & Y. C. Kao(Ed.), The Black Hole of the Mind: The Mystery of Consciousness (pp. 91-114). Sanmin, Taipei.

Yeh, S. L. & Chen, I. P.,(2018). Sensation and perception. In G. C. Liang (Ed.), Psychology: An Integration of Body, Mind and Culture. National Taiwan University Press, Taipei.

Yeh, S. L., & Woodward, J. A. (2012). Increase science productivity: The secrets to writing winning articles and research proposals. National Taiwan University Press, Taipei.

Yeh, S. L. (2009). Word recognition. In I. W. Su (Ed.), Language and Cognition (pp. 289-320). National Taiwan University Press, Taipei.

Chen, I. P., & Yeh, S. L. (2007). Sensation and perception. In H. C. Chen (Ed.), Cognitive psychology (pp. 71-112). Wu-Nan, Taipei.

Yeh, S. L. (1999). Role of color in spatial vision. In C. S. Li (Ed.), Vision and Cognition (pp. 227-258). Yuan-Liu, Taipei.

Yeh, S. L. (1999). Visual spatial attention. In C. S. Li (Ed.), Vision and Cognition (pp. 291-324). Yuan-Liu, Taipei.

Conference Presentations

Conference Presentations

Zeng, P. Y., Wu, S. H., Lee, T., & Yeh, S. L. (2024). Facilitating Intergenerational Understanding: The Role of Personal and Interpersonal Mindfulness. The 63th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C. C., Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2024). The Effect of Auditory Modulations on Single and Ensemble Object Size Perception The 63th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Saiki, J., Hamada, D., Yang, C. C., Lin, H. W., & Yeh, S. L. (2024). Synesthetic Color Distribution in Color Space and Color Categorization: Comparative Analysis among Grapheme-Color Synesthetes in Taiwan and Japan. International Conference on Medical Engineering, Kyoto, Japan.

Saiki, J., Hamada, D., Yang, C. C., Lin, H. W., & Yeh, S. L. (2024). Synesthetic Color Distribution in Color Space: Comparative Analysis among Grapheme-Color Synesthetes in Taiwan and Japan. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. 

Yeh, S. L. & Huang, C. W. (2024). Attention Distorts Space, Including Cross-Modal Illusions. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.

Yeh, S. L., Lee, H. Y., Jang, J. S. R., Hsiang, J., Huang, T. R., Tsai, R. T. H., Ciou, S. C., Chen, X., Chang, T., & Fu, L. C. (2024). Supporting humanities research in Taiwan with TAIHUCAIS. PNC 2024 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Seoul, South Korea.

Ciou, S. C., Wang, S. H., Chang, M. K., Lo, C. W., Hsieh, W. J., Huang, T. R., Lee, H. Y., Jang, J. S. R., Hsiang, J., Tsai, R. T. H., Fu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2024). Integrating AI and user-centered design in TAIHUCAIS: Supporting Taiwanese humanities research. PNC 2024 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Seoul, South Korea.

Zeng, P. Y., Yeh, M. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2024). Nurturing Well-Being through Nature Engagement: Insights from an Experience Sampling Study, International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic. 311. Liu, H. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2024). 協助長者短期記憶的社會機器人設計. Taiwanese Association of Computer-Human Interaction, Tainan, Taiwan.

Yeh, S. L., Huang, P. C., Chen, Y. S. & Chen, Y. C. (2024). Age-related differences in detecting facial emotion changes: unveiling the impact of dynamic stimuli on sensitivity. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Yang, C. C., Lin, H. W., Hamada, D., & Yeh, S. L. (2024). Synesthetic Color Mapping of Chinese Characters and Kanji: Comparative Analysis among Grapheme-Color Synesthetes in Taiwan and Japan. Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Ueda, Y., Tsai, C. C., Takebayashi, H., Saiki, J., & Yeh, S. L. (2024). Cross-Cultural Variations in Visual Search: Exploring Attention Deployment Strategies and Novel Priming on Search Asymmetry. Visual Science Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Li, K. A., Chien, S. E., Chang, C. Y., Chang, Y. L., Chen, T. F., Yeh, S. L., & Chien, S. Y. (2023). Eye tracking-based cognitive performances in MCI seniors and healthy controls. 2023 International Neuropsychological Society Taiwan Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.

Tsai, C. C., Fujiwara, K., & Yeh, S. L. (2023). Generation Gap in Nonverbal Cues: Exploring Synchrony in Inter-Generational Interactions The 62th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C. C., Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2023). The Effect of Auditory Modulations on Visual Object Perception and Visual Ensemble Perception The 62th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Zeng, P. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2023). Emotional Expression and Communication Strategies in Intergenerational Communication: A New Perspective from Socioemotional Selectivity Theory. The 62th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Zeng, P. Y., Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2023). Embracing Momentary Focus for Elevated Happiness: External motivation reduces it and people with negative affectivity trait benefit from it The 62th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, Y. J., & Yeh, S. L. (2023). Reducing Negative Attitudes Toward Robots for Older Adults by Experience-Based Dialogue The 62th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Huang, C. W., Zeng, P. Y., Chen, L. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2023). Exploring Nudge from a Psychological Perspective: The Case of Low-interest Investment-linked Insurance Policies. The 62th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C. C., Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2023). Ensemble perception: Disparities in processing across the visual processing hierarchy. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Paphos, Cyprus.

Yang, C. C., Yeh, S. L., Chien, S. E., Huang, T. R., Chang, Y. L., Goh, J. O. S., Chen, Y. C., & Fu, L. C. (2023). The Effect of Face-to-Face Interaction on Older Adults' Attitudes Toward Robots in Human-Computer Interaction. HCI International 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Yeh, S. L. (2023). Enhancing Well-Being in the Age of AI: How Psychology Can Help. The 6th Tohoku – NTU Symposium on AI and Human Studies, Sendai, Japan.

Yang, C. C., Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2022). Ensemble perception: Inhomogeneous processing for different visual features. The 61st Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lee, F. E., Chou, M. C., Lu, Y. Y., Hsiung, P. C., Tsai, C. C., Chen, Y. C., Liao, H. W., & Yeh, S. L. (2022). Age Differences in Verbal Communication. The 61st Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, H. Y., Chang, Y. C., Zheng, P. Y., Chen, L. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2022). How emotion influence investment decision-making process. The 61st Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan

Tsai, C. C., Huang, C. W., Chen, L. Y., Wu, S. H., Zheng, Y. C., Liu, H. Y., Wu, C. C., Chang, Y. C., Zheng, P. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2022). How perception influence investment decision-making process. The 61st Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yeh, S. L. (2022). Age-related differences in processing representational momentum as revealed by fMRI Imaging Center for Integrated Body, Mind and Culture Research 2022, Taipei, Taiwan.

Li, K. A., Chien, S. E., Chang, C. Y., Chang, Y. L., Chen, T. F., Yeh, S. L., & Chien, S. Y. (2022). Development of Automatic Eye Tracking Based Cognitive Assessment Battery. 2022 Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI-APRC 2022), Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, H., Teng, W. A., & Yeh, S. L. (2022). Comparison of Virtual-Real Integration Efficiency between Light Field and Conventional Near-Eye AR Displays. IEEE 5th International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (IEEE-MIPR 2022), Virtual Meeting.

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2022). 以社交機器人協助評估長者的注意力狀態. 12th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Virtual Meeting.

Chen, R., Chien, S. E., & Yeh, S. L. (2021). Metacognition of finger and wrist tactile sensations: Domain general or specific? The 60th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Virtual Meeting.

Chen, Y. S., Chien, S. E., & Yeh, S. L. (2021). The development of the uncanny valley in children. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Virtual Meeting.

Chien, S. E. & Yeh, S. L. (2021). Perceived animacy is affected by consciousness and metacognition of distractor-target synchronicity. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Virtual Meeting.

Huang, B. C., Chen, Y. S., Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2021). Positive effects in detecting changes of dynamic facial expressions. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Virtual Meeting.

Huang, T. C., Nakashima, R., Iwai, R., Chien, S. E., Yeh, S. L., & Kumada, T. (2021). Facial surface property modulates uncanny valley effect of robot face on older adults. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Virtual Meeting.

Lee, H. H., Liu, G. K. M., & Yeh, S. L. (2021) I know I’m happy, and I’m right: Metacognition of emotion. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Virtual Meeting.

Yeh, S. L., Yeshurun, Y., Luzardo, F. (2021). Cross-language comparison of semantic and phonological priming from crowded words: The case of Chinese vs. Hebrew. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Virtual Meeting.

Cheng, T., Chiu, L., Huang, L. T., Lin, Y. T., Chen. Y. C., Lee. H. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2021) Metacognitive architecture: Perception, interoception, and beyond. The Conference of Metacognition: New developments and challenges, Virtual Meeting.

Castañeda, E. G., Ruiz, A. H., Wang, J. F., Tseng, T. Y., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2021). Towards effective robot-assisted photo reminiscence: Personalizing interactions through visual understanding and inferring. HCI International, Virtual Meeting.

Chen, Y. C., Castañeda, E. G., Fu, L. C., Yueh, H. P., & Yeh, S. L. (2021). Social presence in evaluations for a humanoid robot and its effect on children-robot relationship. HCI International, Virtual Meeting.

Tseng, C. H., Hung, T. F., & Yeh, S. L. (2021). Robot-human partnership is unique: Partner-advantage in a shape-matching task. HCI International, Virtual Meeting.

Chen, Y. C., Peng, Y. S., Li, D., & Yeh, S. L. (2021). Audiovisual spatial congruency modulates perceptual and metacognitive components of sound-induced flash illusion. Vision Sciences Society, Virtual Meeting.

Chen, Z. L., Lee, H. H., Chen, Y. T., Wu, A. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2021) The mind's eye: Mind-wandering revealed by eye movement Hidden Markov Model. Vision Sciences Society, Virtual Meeting.

Lee, H. H., Chien, S. E., Lin, V., & Yeh, S. L. (2021). Which comes first? Examining breaking continuous suppression time of high-calorie and low-calorie foods. Vision Sciences Society, Virtual Meeting.

Tsai, C. C., Chien, S. E., Ueda, Y., Saiki, J., & Yeh, S. L. (2021). Search asymmetry revisited: Search for target with more features than distractors is not necessarily more efficient. Vision Sciences Society, Virtual Meeting.

Yang, C. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2021) Blue light impairment on the speed of exogenous attention shift. Vision Sciences Society, Virtual Meeting.

Chuang, Y. S., Hung, H. Y., Gamborino, E., Goh, J. O. S., Huang, T. R., Chang, Y. L., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2020). Using machine theory of mind to learn agent social network structures from observed interactive behaviors with targets. 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Naples, Italy, pp. 1013-1019, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN47096.2020.9223453.

Chien, S. E., Yu, C. J., Lai, Y. Y., Liu, J. C., Fu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2020). Can older adults’ acceptance toward robots be enhanced by observational learning? In Rau, P. L. (Eds.), Cross-cultural design. User experience of products, services, and intelligent environments: Vol. 12192. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 564-576). Copenhagen, Denmark: Springer-Cham.

Chien, S. E., & Yeh, S. L. (2020). Animacy perception inferred by eye movement patterns. Vision Sciences Society, Virtual Meeting.

Kao, Y. W., Lee, H. H., Goh, J. O. S., & Yeh, S. L. (2020). Age-related differences in the statistical regularity of emotional faces. The Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Virtual Meeting.

Yeh, S. L., Tsai, C. C., Ueda, Y., Takebayashi, H., Chien, S. E., & Saiki, J. (2019). Effect of culturally shaped experiences on cognitive processing. The 5th NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium of Human Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2019). Modulation of blue light on the speed of attention shift. The 5th NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium of Human Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lee, H. H., Chen, Z. L., Chen, Y. T., Shih, C. Y., Beh, W. K., Wu, A. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2019). The heart never lies: Heart rate variability as an index of sustained attention. The 5th NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium of Human Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.

Hung, T. F., Yeh, S. L., & Tseng, C., H. (2019). Partner advantage: from human-human to human-robot. The 3nd NTU-Tohoku U Symposium on Interdisciplinary AI and Human Studies, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yu, C. J., Huang, T. Y., Chen, L. P., Bu, H. Y., Fu, L. C., Kitamura, Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2019). i-Path: An intelligent system for preserving older adults’ wisdom. The 3nd NTU-Tohoku U Symposium on Interdisciplinary AI and Human Studies, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yu, C. J., Chien, S. E., Wu, T. J., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2019). Can older adults’ acceptance toward robots enhanced by observational learning? The 5th Taiwan Computer-Human Interaction Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Ueda, Y., Huang, T. R., Shen, Z., Sakata, C., Yeh, S. L., & Saito, S. (2019) Hebb repetition effect in visual memory. The European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Santa Cruz, Spain.

Ueda, Y., Huang, T. R., Shen, Z., Yeh, S. L., & Saito, S. (2019) Sequential encoding in long-term memory improves visual short-term memory. The Psychonomic Society, Montréal, Canada.

Guo, X., Huang, Y. C., Gamborino, E., Tseng, S. H., Fu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2019) Inferring human feelings & desires for human-robot trust promotion. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, FL.

Gamborino, E., Yueh, H. P., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2019). Mood estimation as a social profile predictor in an autonomous, multi-session, emotional support robot for children. The IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, New Delhi, India.

Du, Y. C., Chien, S. E., Lai, Y. Y., Liu, J. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2019). The uncanny valley revisited: age-related difference and the effect of function type. The Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX.

Lee, H. H., Shih, C. Y., Chen, Z. L., Wu, A. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2019). Are you concentrating or mind-wandering? Electroencephalogram signals reveal differences in attentional states. The Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.

Kao, Y. W., Li, S. H., Goh, J. O. S., Tsai, A. C., Jingling, L., & Yeh, S. L. (2019). Age-related differences in the neural processing of momentum. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Leuven, Belgium.

Chang, W. C., Yeh, S. L., & Huang, S. L. (2019). The Extent of Unconscious Semantic Processing under Continuous Flash Suppression. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Leuven, Belgium.

Chien, S. E.,Yang, Y. H., Teramoto, S., Ono, Y., & Yeh. S. L. (2019). Neural correlates of semantic priming under visual crowding: An MEG study. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Osaka, Japan.

Tsai, C. C., Chien, S. E., Ueda, Y., Saiki, J., & Yeh. S. L. (2019). Does Visual Experience abolish Search Asymmetry? The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Osaka, Japan.

Ueda, Y., Huang, B. C., Yoshikawa, S., & Yeh. S. L. (2019). Perceived Dominance from Face Images Depends on Interaction Situations: Examinations of Consistency across Japanese and Taiwanese and the Own-Race Bias. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Osaka, Japan.

Yang, Y. H., Huang, T. R., Huang, T. R., & Yeh. S. L. (2019). Can Semantic Information be Temporally Integrated Under Interocular Suppression? An fMRI study. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Osaka, Japan.

Yeh. S. L., Dong, J. T., Ho. P. Li. S. H., Huang, T. C., Hirai, S., Ueda, Y., & Saiki, J. (2019). More efficient semantic than phonological extraction in reading Chinese/Kanji for Taiwanese/Japanese skilled readers. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Osaka, Japan.

Chen, L. Y., Chang, R. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2019). The interactive effect of mindfulness and tactile exposure to food on tastiness. The Joint Conference of NTU/PKU/CUHK Psychology Departments, Taipei, Taiwan.

Huang, B. C., Ueda, Y., Yeh, S. L., & Yoshikawa, S. (2019). Perceived Dominance from Face Images Depends on Interaction Situations: Examinations of Consistency across Japanese and Taiwanese and the Own-Race Bias. The Joint Conference of NTU/PKU/CUHK Psychology Departments, Taipei, Taiwan.

Tsai, C. C., Chien, S. E., Ueda, Y., Saiki, J. & Yeh, S. L. (2019). Does Visual Experience abolish Search Asymmetry? The Joint Conference of NTU/PKU/CUHK Psychology Departments, Taipei, Taiwan.

Li, D., Chen, Y. C., & Yeh. S. L. (2019). Auditory modulations on visual perception and metacognition. The Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Yang, C. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2019). Effect of blue light on the speed of attention shift. The Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Lee, H. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2019). Blue light effects on the gap effect. The Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Yeh. S. L., Li, S. H., Jingling, Li., Goh, J. O. S., Chao, Y. P., & Tsai. A. C. (2019). Better statistical regularity with aging? Age-related difference in the neural processing of idioms. The Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Ueda, Y., Tsai, C. C., Chien, S. E., Yeh. S. L. & Saiki, J. (2019). Visual search revisited in East Asia: Experience matters. The Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Li, J. L., Chao, Y. P., Li, S. H., Goh, J. O. S., Tsai, C. A. & Yeh, S. L. (2019). Collinear grouped items are more distracted for older adults: Behavior and neural imaging evidence on the collinear masking effect. The Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Yang, P. L., Tsujimura, S. I., Matsumoto, A., Yamashita, W., & Yeh, S. L. (2018). Subjective time expansion with increased stimulation of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Trieste, Italy.

Chien, S. E., Chu, L., Lee, H. H., Yang, C. C., Lin, F. H., Yang, P. L., Wang, T. M., & Yeh, S. L. (2018). Unconscious semantic priming reflected by Gamma- and theta-band synchronization: an MEG study. ICPEAL 17—CLDC 9.

Chien, S. E., Chen, Y. C., Matsumoto, A., Yamashita, W., Shih, K. T., Tsujimura, S., Yeh, S. L.(2018). Effect of background color on audiovisual simultaneity perception. The European Conference on Visual Perception, Trieste, Italy.

Chang, T. F., Yeh, S. L. (2018). Inverse Relationship between Cognitive Flexibility and Interoceptive Accuracy. NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Cognitive Neuronscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

Tsai, C. C., Chien, S. E., Ueda, Y., Yeh, S. L. (2018). Effects of blue light on visual search. NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lee, H. H., Lin, F. H., Chien, S. E., Yeh, S. L. (2018). Which comes first? An investigation of awareness to high- and lowcalorie food. NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, H. W., Yeh, S. L. (2018). Enhanced dynamic visual acuity under blue light. NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

Li, K. A., Yeh, S. L. (2018). Does the left-side bias occur during perceptual averaging also reveal in the eye movement pattern? NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

Li, S. H., Lin, H. Y., Tsai, M. N., Yeh, S. L. (2018). Unconscious Evaluative Conditioning under Continues Flash Suppression. NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chien, S. E., Yang, Y. H., Teramoto, S., Ono, Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2018). Unconscious semantic priming refelcted by Gamma- and theta-band synchronization: an MEG study. NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yeh, S. L. (2018). Cross-cultural comparison of grapheme color synesthesia of Kanji characters: Cases of Taiwan and Japan. NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

Saiki, J., Hung, T. F., Fujino, M. (2018). Effects of short-term mindfulness meditation on self-concept and emotion regulation. NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yeh, S.L., Chien, S.E., Matsumoto, A., Yamashita, W., Tsujimura, S. (2017). Increased stimulation of ipRGCs affects achromatic sptial contrast sensitivity. European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, Germany

Yeh, S. L., Yang, Y. H.,& Li, S. H. (2017). What happens from semantic activation of single words under visual crowding to their integration over time? International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan

Chien, S. E., Yang, Y. H., Teramoto, S., Ono, Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2017). Neural correlates of unconscious semantic priming: An MEG study.International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan

Hsia, C. Y., Chen, Y.C., Yeh, S. L., Tu, C. K., Wu, M. T., Chen, N. C.,& Tang, P. F. (2017). Perception of audiovisual simultaneity independently contributes to dual-task gait performance in the aging population International Conference on Cognitive Science,Taipei, Taiwan

Hsia, C. Y., Chen, Y.C., Yeh, S. L., Wu, M. T., Chen, N. C., & Tang, P. F.,(2017). Effects of aging on the perception of audiovisual simultaneity: comparisons among young, middle-aged, and older adults. International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan

Lo, S. Y. & Yeh, S. L. (2017). Does "A picture is worth 1000 words" apply to iconic Chinese words? International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan

Lin., H. W. & Yeh. S. L. (2017) Grapheme-color synesthesia in Chinese characters: what determines the similarity in synesthetic color? International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan

Li., S. H., Yang, Y. H., Chou., T. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2017) Neural correlates of semantic priming of crowded words: an fMRI study.International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan

Li, K. A., & Yeh., S. L. (2017). Mean size estimation yields left-size bias: role of attention on perceptual averaging.International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan

Yang, Y.H., & Yeh, S. L. (2017). Oculomotor response precedes awareness access of multisensory emotional information under interocular suppression. The 17th Vision Sciences Society, Florida, US.

Yang, Y. H.; Huang, T. R.; Yeh, S. L. (2016). Neural activities reveal distinct mechanisms of consciousness on temporal integration of semantic information. The 55th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan.

Hung, T. F.; Yeh, S. L. (2016). The effect of blue light on attention network. The 55th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan.

Lin, H. W.; Yeh, S. L. (2016). Linguistic factors of grapheme-color synesthesia in Chinese characters. The 55th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan.

Ho, P. K.; Tien, Y. H.; Zhou, J. F.; Yeh, S. L. (2016). Unconscious Thought with Invisible Stimuli under Continuous Flash Suppression. The 55th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan.

Chen, Y. W.; Yeh, S. L. (2016). 時間統計規律性促進時間感判斷之跨感官不對稱效果. The 55th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan.

Yang, B. L.; Yeh, S. L. (2016). 藍光如何影響時間感. The 55th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan.

Yeh, S. L., Chen, Y. C., & Chu, L. (2016). Effect of blue light on audiovisual integration. The 39th European Conference on Visual Perception, Barcelona, Spain.

Yeh, S. L. & Li, K. A. (2016). Left-side bias on statistical information extraction. The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.

Chen, Y. W. & Yeh, S. L.. (2016). Visual temporal regularity facilitates time judgement. The 20th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Chen, Y. W., Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L.. (2015). Unconscious semantic processing under continuous flash suppression. The 38th European Conference on Visual Perception, Liverpool, UK.

Huang, N., & Yeh, S. L.. (2015) . Consciousness modulates the effects of attention on priming. The 19th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Paris, France.

Tien, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L.. (2015) . Temporal integration of semantic information under continuous flash suppression. The 19th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Paris, France.

Li, K. A., Zhou, J., Lee, C. L., Tien, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L.. (2015). Does temporal integration of semantic information occur under visual crowding? The 19th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Paris, France.

Zhou, J. F., Lee, C. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2014). Brain potentials reflect semantic priming effect induced by crowded words. The 7th Conference of Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yeh, S. L., Lane, T., Zhou, J. F., Lin, T. Y., Kuo, C. H., & Teng, C. Y. (2014). Difference between eyes-closed and eyes-open resting state alpha power is an indicator of susceptibility to the rubber hand illusion. The 14th Vision Sciences Society, Florida, US. 

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2014). Amodal completion without awareness. The 14th Vision Sciences Society, Florida, US. 

Chang, A. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2014). Join my attention by looking at my back: The back of head orientation can serve as both supraliminal and subliminal orienting cues. The 14th Vision Sciences Society, Florida, US. 

Yeh, S. L., Chou, T. L., Lee, S. H., Huang, Y. A., He, S., & Li, S. H. (2014). Imaging unconscious semantic processing of crowded words. The 7th Conference of Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2014). Unconscious grouping of Chinese words: Evidence from object-based attention. The 7th Conference of Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Lin, Y. S., & Yeh, S. L. (2014). Qualitative difference in categorical priming between conscious and unconscious processing of numbers: Evidence from visual crowding. The 14th Vision Sciences Society, Florida, US. 

Yeh, S. L., Zhou, J. F., Li, K. A., Tien, Y. H., Chen, Y. H., Lin, Y. S., & Pegna, A. J. (2014). Semantic processing of invisible words under interocular suppression: Evidence from evoked-related potentials. The 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, Takamatsu, Japan. 

Yang, Y. H., Yeh, S. L., & Bartels, A. (2014). Global versus local saliency: Determinants of access to visual awareness. The 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, Takamatsu, Japan. 

Li, K. A., Li, J. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2014). Seeing the word I and my face activates my name: Close link between self-awareness and one’s own name. 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, Takamatsu, Japan. 

Tien, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2014). A new bistable percept: The bistable fan illusion. The 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, Takamatsu, Japan. 

Lane, T., Yeh, S. L., Zhou, J. F., Lin, T. Y., Kuo, C. H., & Teng, C. Y. (2014). The "lingering alpha effect": Baseline alpha-band spectral power differences correlate with susceptibility to the rubber hand illusion. The 18th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Brisbane, Australia. 

5.Yen, Y. C., Chu, C. Y., Yeh, S. L., Chu, H. H., & Huang, P. (2013). Lab experiment vs. crowdsourcing: A comparative user study on Skype call quality. In Proceedings of the 9th Asian Internet Engineering Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Lane, T., Yeh, S. L., & Chang, A. Y. (2013). Switching attention to the rubber hand. 17th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, San Diego, US. 

Yeh, S. L. (2013). Semantically congruent sound enhances unconscious processing of visual scene. Global Chinese Vision Sciences Workshop, Suzhou, China. 

Yeh, S. L. (2013). Distinct processes of orthography and semantics: Evidence from visual crowding. The 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, Suzhou, China. 

Liu, T., Yeh, S. L., & Hsiao, J. (2013). The transfer of left side bias in the perception of simplified and traditional Chinese characters. The 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, Suzhou, China. 

Chen, Y. H., Zhou, J. F., Li, R. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2013). SNARC effect in the third dimension. The 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, Suzhou, China. 

Dong, J. T., Chen, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2013). Word identification is required for phonology but not semantics: Evidence from visual crowding. The 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, Suzhou, China. 

Liao, H. I., Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2013). Unconscious feature binding of color and orientation. Neuro2013, Kyoto, Japan. 

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2013). Unconscious binding between visible and invisible stimuli reveals dissociation between attention and consciousness. The 36th European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, Germany. 

Chang, A. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2013). Turn yourself around as the spinning dancer: Sound modulates the spinning direction of the silhouette illusion. The 36th European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, Germany. 

Zhou, J. F., Lee, C. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2013). Brain potentials reflect semantic processing of crowded words. The 36th European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, Germany. 

Tan, J. S., Cheng, C. C., Lien, P. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2013). Multisensory integration of scene perception: Semantically congruent soundtrack enhances unconsciously processed visual scene. The 36th European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, Germany. 

Yen, Y. C., Chu, C. Y., Chen, C. N., Yeh, S. L., Chu, H. H., & Huang, P. (2013). Exponential quantization: User-centric rate control for skype calls. ACM SIGCOMM 2013, Hong Kong, China. 

Yeh, S. L., Lin, H. Y., Li, S. H., & Tsai, M. N. (2012). Unconscious evaluative conditioning: Attitude change induced by invisible words. The 35th European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, Italy. 

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2012). Optimizing attention deployment in object-based attention: The role of cue validity. The 35th European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, Italy. 

Chang, A. Y., Lane, T., & Yeh, S. L. (2012). Timing the rubber hand illusion: Owning the rubber hand involves substitution, not addition. The 35th European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, Italy. 

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2012). The dynamic-updating hypothesis: Attentional selection of dynamically changed objects. The 35th European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, Italy. 

Chen, C. N., Chu, C. Y., Yeh, S. L., Chu, H. H., & Huang, P. (2012). Measuring the perceptual quality of skypesources. SIGCOMM 2012 workshops, Helsinki, Finland. 

Huang, T. H., Kao, C. T., Chen, Y. C., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, H. H. (2012). A visibility model for quality assessment of dimmed images. The 4th International Workshop Quality Multimedia Experience, Yarra Valley, Australia. 

Huang, T. H., Yang, Y. H., Liao, H. I., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, H. (2012). Directing visual attention by subliminal cues. The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Florida, U.S.A. 

Yeh, S. L., Lee, S. H., Huang, Y. A., Chou, T. L., He, S. & Li, S. H. (2012). Semantic processing for crowded words: Evidence from fMRI. he 12th Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society, Naples , Florida. 

Liao, H. I. & Yeh, S. L. (2012). Attentional capture with and without awareness. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society, Naples , Florida. 

Yeh, S. L. & Chen, Y. C. (2012). Radicals are the morpho-orthographic but not morpho-semantic units in Chinese character processing. The 6th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC 2012), Taipei, Taiwan. 

Chen, C. N., Chu, C. Y., Yeh, S. L., Chu, H. H., & Huang, P. (2012). Modeling the QoE of rate changes in SKYPE/SILK VoIP calls. ACM Multimedia 2012, Nara, Japan. 

Yeh, S. L., Chou, T. L., Lee, S. H., Huang, Y. A., He, S., & Li, S. H. (2012). The brain mechanism of unconscious semantic processing of crowded words. The 14th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages, Nagoya, Japan. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chen, Y. C. (2012). Morpho-orthographic decomposition of radicals in Chinese character recognition. The 14th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages, Nagoya, Japan. 

Lee, C. A., & Yeh, S. L. (2012). Scent for visual attention: What you smell can affect how you see. The 16th Conference on Attention and Perception: Perceptual Organization and Grouping, Chiayi, Taiwan. 

Tsai, Y. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2012). Auditory perceptual organization facilitates tactile identification by enhancing intensity but not duration. The 16th Conference on Attention and Perception: Perceptual Organization and Grouping, Chiayi, Taiwan. 

Lee, W. F., Huang, T. H., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, H. H. (2011). Fusion of visual attention cues by machine learning. Proceedings of The International Conference on Image Processing, 3362-3365. 

Huang, T. H., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, H. H. (2011). Enhancement of LCD images illuminated with dim backlight. Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN 2011 Workshop on Multimedia Computing and Communications, 1-6. 

Yeh, S. L., Hsiao, J. Y., Chen, Y. C., & Spence, C. (2011). Interplay of multisensory processing, attention, and consciousness as revealed by bistable figures. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Cho, P. C., Lane, T., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Action-induced rubber hand illusion. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Liao, H. I., Shimojo, S., Huang, S. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). What and how you see affects your appetite. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Chen, K. M., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Audiovisual interaction in time perception. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Li, C. A., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). What you smell affects different components of your visual attention. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Su, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Audio-visual integration modifies emotional judgment in music. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Tsai, Y. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Freezing in touch: Sound enhances tactile perception. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Semantic congruency in audiovisual integration as revealed by the continuous flash suppression paradigm. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Dissociating attention and audiovisual integration in the sound-facilitatory effect on metacontrast masking. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Chen, Y. C., Huang, P.C., Yeh, S. L., & Spence, C. (2011). Synchronous sounds enhance visual sensitivity without reducing target uncertainty. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Chen, Y. C., Yeh, S. L., & Spence, C. (2011). Crossmodal semantic constraints on visual perception of binocular rivalry. The 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Fukuoka, Japan. 

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Object-Based Attention Occurs Regardless of Object Awareness. The 34th European Conference on Visual Perception, Toulouse, France. 

Lee, C. H., Shaw, W. S., Liao, H. I., Yeh, S. L., Chen, H. H. (2011). Local Dimming of liquid crystal display using visual attention prediction model. Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN 2011 Workshop on Multimedia Computing and Communications, 1-5. 

Liao, H. I., Shimojo, S., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Preference and familiarity for emotional face. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Hong Kong, China. 

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Orienting or intention? Unconscious processing of human gaze. The 15th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto, Japan. 

Li, S. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). A double positive forms a negative in perceptual enhancement of near-threshold emotional words. The 15th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto, Japan. 

Liao, H. I., Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Blindsight in normals: Binding features without awareness. The 15th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto, Japan. 

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Conscious perception affects unconscious perception with the deployment of attention. The 15th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto, Japan. 

Liao, H. I., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Contingent attentional capture depends on stimulus properties. The 11th Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society, Naples, Florida. 

Yeh, S. L., He, S., & Cavanagh, P. (2011). Extraction Of Semantic Information From Unidentifiable, Crowded Words. The 11th Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society, Naples, Florida. 

Li, C. A., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Smell affects visual attention. The 50th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taichung, Taiwan. 

Li, S. H., Ho, M. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Competition Makes You Better or Worse: Different Processing for Positive and Negative Emotional Words. The 50th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taichung, Taiwan. 

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Look into my eyes and I will see you: Direct gaze facilitates unconscious face processing. The 50th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taichung, Taiwan. 

Liao, H. I., Shimojo, S., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). We prefer happy faces, regardless of whether they are familiar or not; whereas we sometimes prefer sad faces if they are familiar. The 50th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taichung, Taiwan. 

Hsiao, J. Y., Chen, Y. C., Spence C., & Yeh, S. L. (2011). Crossmoal auditory semantic modulation of a bistable visual figure. The 50th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taichung, Taiwan. 

Lin, S. Y. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Hierarchical Object Representation: How the object is changed affects object-based attention. The 15th Conference on Attention and Perception (A&P), Chiayi, Taiwan. 

Yang, Y. H. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Slower response to invisible negative emotion: Stimulus-specific or stimulus-general?. The 15th Conference on Attention and Perception (A&P), Chiayi, Taiwan. 

Liao, H. I., Yeh, S. L. & Shimojo, S. (2010). Novelty vs. Familiarity Principles in Preference Decision. The 15th Conference on Attention and Perception (A&P), Chiayi, Taiwan. 

Hsu, L.C. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Perceptual fading as revealed by perceptual filling-in and motion-induced blindness. The Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Chen, K. M. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Asymmetric cross-modal effect on time perception depends on stimulus duration. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Chou, W. L. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Subliminal spatial cues capture attention and cause reversed object effects. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Hsiao, J. Y., Yeh, S. L., Chen, Y. C. & Spence C. (2010). Auditory semantic context modulates the conscious perception of bistable figures. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Li, S. H., Ho, M. C. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Competition of emotional words for attentional resource. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Lin, S. Y. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Hierarchical object representation: How the object is changed affects object-based attention. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Lo, S. Y. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Effect of sound on visual persistence. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yang, Y. H. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Auditory-visual integration facilitates unconscious processing of facial expression. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Liao, H. I., Shimojo, S., Huang, S. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2010). What you see affects what you feel on food. Interim Meeting of the International Color Association, Mar del Plata, Argentina. 

Cheng, H. W., Shu, H., Yeh, S. L., Li, J. I., & Caldwell-Harris, C. L. (2010). Reading Chinese Simplified and Traditional Scripts. The Research in Reading Chinese and Related Asian Languages Conference, Toronto, Canada. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chen, Y. L. (2010). Crossmodal interaction in metacontrast masking. Journal of Vision, 10(7), 894. 

Liao, H. I. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Interaction between stimulus driven orienting and top down modulation in attentional capture. Journal of Vision, 10(7), 123. 

Hsiao, J. Y., Chen, Y. C., Spence, C. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Semantic congruency, attention, and fixation position modulate conscious perception when viewing a bistable figure. Journal of Vision, 10(7), 867. 

Chou, W. L. & Yeh, S. L. (2010). How does a subliminal cue influence object-based attention?. Journal of Vision, 10(7), 179. 

Chen, Y. C., Yeh, S. L., & Spence, C. (2010). Crossmodal constraints on human visual awareness: Auditory semantic context modulates binocular rivalry. Journal of Vision, 10(7), 885. 

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Seeing from where you are hearing: The cross-modal facilitation from audible sound to invisible visual stimuli. The 49th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Li, S. H., Ho, M. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2010). Having too much is as bad as having nothing: The processing of emotional words under competitive situation. The 49th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chen, K. M. (2009). Sound expands perceived visual duration through pacemaker acceleration. The 32th European Conference on Visual Perception, Regensburg, Germany. 

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2009). An invisible face becomes visible with a voice. The 32th European Conference on Visual Perception, Regensburg, Germany. 

Chou, W. L., Chen, C. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2009). Mechanisms of location- and object-based attention as revealed by the external noise paradigm. The 32th European Conference on Visual Perception, Regensburg, Germany. 

Hsu, L. C. , Yeh, S. L., Tien, Y. M. ,& Lin,C. Y. (2009). Electrophysiological correlates of motion-induced blindness. Journal of Vision, 9(8), 269. 

Liao, H. I., Park. J, Shimojo, E., Ishizaki, J., Yeh, S. L.,& Shimojo, S. (2009). Gaze orienting, and novelty vs. familiarity preference. Journal of Vision, 9(8), 375. 

Cheng, H. W., Yeh, S. L., Li, J. I., Shu, H., & Caldwell-Harris, C. L. (2009). Readers of different Chinese scripts use different strategies to recognize Chinese characters. The 13th International Conference on Cognition and Neural Systems, Boston, MA, USA. 

Yeh. S. L., & Yang, Y. H. (2009). Unmasking the dichoptic mask by sound. Poster presented at The 10 th International Multisensory Research Forum, New York, U.S.A. 

Cheng, H. W., Li, J. I., Shu, H., Yeh, S. L., & Caldwell-Harris, C. L. (2009). Simplified and traditional scripts confer different advantages in reading. The 21th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Rhode Island, USA. 

Wang, Y. T., Liu, Y. N., Chien, S. Y. C., Yang, Y. H., Chen, Y. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2009). A Psychophysical Analysis on Perceptual Limitation of Motion Image Artifact Reduction using 120Hz Displays. The 47th Society for Information Display, 1223-1226. 

Cheng, H. W., Shu, H., Yeh, S. L., Li, J. I., & Caldwell-Harris, C. L. (2009). The processing of Chinese simplified and traditional scripts: A psycholinguistic study. The 36th Annual Conference of the Association of Chinese Schools, Boston, MA. 

Liao, H. I., & Yeh, S. L. (2009). Mechanism of involuntary orienting: The interactive model. The 48th AnnualConference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Chen, K. M., & Yeh, S. L. (2009). Bimodal time perception is statistically optimal. The 48th Annual Conferenceof Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Hsu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2009). Figural competition as revealed by perceptual filling-in and motion-induced blindness. The 48th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., Chiu, C. H., & Hsiao, C. H. (2009). Linking two Cross-modal attention in the pause-and-go fan illusions with attentive tracking and contrast-dependent motion. The 48th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2009). Emotional cue facilitates implicit processing of human face. The 48th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Lo, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2009). Is there an interaction between implicit and explicit information processing? The case of the multisensory Simon effect.. The 48th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

蘇紳源、葉素玲 (2009). 音樂與演唱影像的整合對於情緒判斷的影響. The 48th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

陳奕霖、葉素玲 (2009). 聲音減低後向遮蔽效果. The 48th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Chou, W. L., Chen, C. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2009). Mechanisms of location- and object-based attention as revealed by the external noise paradigm. The 48th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Huang, T. H., Liang, C. K., Yeh, S. L. & Chen, H. H. (2008). JND-based enhancement of perceptibility for dim Images.. Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 1752-1755. 

Yeh, S. L. & Chen, I. L. (2008). Competition for awareness among visual events is modulated by sound in metacontrast masking. The 31th European Conference on Visual Perception, Utrecht, The Netherland. 

Chen, K. M & Yeh, S. L. (2008). The cross-modal effect on the subjective time expansion in the visual and auditory modalities. The 318th European Conference on Visual Perception, Utrecht, The Netherland. 

Chen H. M., Yeh, S. L., Chen, K. M., & Chen, J. H. (2008). Attentional effect on emotional Chinese word processing in the human brain: An event-related fMRI study. The 14th Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping, Melbourne, Australia. 

Yeh, S. L., Chiu, C. H. & Hsiao, C. H. (2008). The Gestaltist's error revisited with sound. Journal of Vision, 8(6), 175. 

Hsu, L. C. & Yeh, S. L. (2008). Is Motion-induced blindness a perceptual scotoma?. Journal of Vision, 8(6), 800. 

Yang, Y. H. & Yeh, S. L. (2008). Sound enhances processing of emotional words under invisible conditions. Journal of Vision, 8(6), 795. 

Yeh, S. L., Su, Y. J. & Yang Y. H. (2008). Processing of emotional words under visible and invisible conditions. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Lo S. Y. & Yeh, S. L. (2008). Multisensory stimulus-response compatibility effect occurs only when the stimuli are consciously perceived. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Chen K. M. & Yeh, S. L. (2008). Attention mediates the facilitatory effect of task-irrelevant sound on subjective expansion of visual duration. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Chen, Y. C. & Yeh, S. L. (2008). Using the repetition blindness paradigm as an implicit measure of awareness: a crossmodal integration study. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yang, Y. H. & Yeh, S. L. (2008). Compatible voice boosts the conscious perception of face. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Liao, H. I. & Yeh, S. L. (2008). On the boundary condition of the contingent orienting hypothesis in attentional capture. The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Brisbane, Australia. 

Yeh, S. L. & Lo, S. Y. (2008). Visual-auditory interaction in the Simon effect. The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Brisbane, Australia. 

Chen, K. M., & Yeh, S. L. (2008). Attention leads to auditory dominance in subjective time expansion. The 48thAnnual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

陳馨梅、葉素玲 (2008). 注意力對處理中文情緒詞的影響: 事件關聯功能性磁振造影研究. The 47th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

邱千蕙、葉素玲 (2008). 萬花筒效應如何解?從扇子錯覺看對比引發的動作錯覺. The 47th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

楊詠皓、葉素玲 (2008). 中文情緒詞的隱式處理. The 47th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., Su, Y. J.,& Ho, M. C. (2007). Processing of emotional Chinese words/characters. The 12th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Taiwan. 

Chen, K. M., & Yeh S. L. (2007). Structure affects orthographic priming of Chinese characters, not only repetition of radicals. The 12th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Taiwan. 

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh S. L. (2007). Radical is the necessary sub-character mediator in Chinese character recognition. The 12th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Taiwan. 

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh. S. L. (2007). Perceiving Chinese words and their emotion valence in invisible conditions. The 12th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Taiwan. 

You. H. H. & Yeh. S. L. (2007). Can visual-auditory interactions occur with unattended visual stimuli?. The 46thAnnual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan. 

Yang. Y. H., & Yeh. S. L. (2007). Effect of emotional face under the invisible condition. The 12th workshop on attention and perception, Chiayi, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., Lin, S. Y., Chou, W. L., Chen, D. Y., Chen, J. H., & Chen, C. C. (2007). Spatial-temporal grouping and perceived writing sequence of Chinese characters in the human brain: Comparison of readers and non-readers. Journal of Vision, 7, 262c. Poster presented at Vision Science Society, 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida. 

Ho, M. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2007). Effects of bottom-up input and top-down expectation on object-based attention. Journal of Vision, 7, 306a, Poster presented at Vision Science Society, 7th An. 

Hsu, L. C., Kramer, P., & Yeh, S. L. (2007). Monocular Depth Ordering Affect Perceptual Filling-In and Motion Induced Blindness. Journal of Vision, 7, 121c. Poster presented at Vision Science Society, 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida. 

Liao, H. I., & Yeh, S. L. (2007). Asymmetry of stimulus-driven attentional capture by flash and color distractors. Journal of Vision, 7, 308a. Poster presented at Vision Science Society, 7th Annual Meeting., Sarasota, Florida. 

Chen, K. M., You, H. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2007). Subjective time expansion through cross-modal integration. Journal of Vision, 7, 126c. Poster presented at Vision Science Society, 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida. 

Lin, S. Y., Yeh, S. L., Wu, C. C., & Su, Y. J. (2007). Action, but not Perception, Relies on Continuous Presentation of External Objects. Journal of Vision, 7, 133c. Poster presented at Vision Science Society, 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida. 

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2007). Limited cross-modal capacity revealed by selective attention in repetition blindness with sounds. Journal of Vision, 7, 255a. Poster presented at Vision Science Society, 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida. 

You, H. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2007). Auditory cues facilitate both low-level and high-level unattended visual processing. Journal of Vision, 7, 195b. Poster presented at Vision Science Society, 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida. 

Yeh, S. L. (2007). Word recognition in reading: Chinese character processing. Proceedings of International Symposium on Language. Culture and Cognition, 35-41. 

Yang, Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2007). Emotion-induced blindness under invisible condition. The 46th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., Chou, W. L., Lin, S. Y., Chen, D. Y., Chen, J. H., & Chen, C. C. (2006). Neural substrates for spatial-temporal grouping and perceived action in the human brain: Evidence from perceived writing sequence of Chinese characters. The 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St-Petersburg, Russia. 

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2006). Chinese character recognition mediated by sub-morphemic component processing. The 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St-Petersburg, Russia. 

Hsu, L. C., Yeh, S. L., & Tang, D. L. (2006). Role of eye movements and attention on temporary blindness and target reappearance. The 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St-Petersburg, Russia. 

Yeh, S. L. (2006). Perceptual organization and recognition in the case of Chinese characters. The 4th Asian Conference on Vision, Vision, 18 (supplement for ACV 2006), p.20, Matsue, Japan. 

Ho, M. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2006). Object-based attention relies on instantaneous object representation, but not on the likelihood of object presence. The 4th Asian Conference on Vision, Vision, 18 (supplement for ACV 2006), p.58, Matsue, Japan. 

Chen, K. M., & Yeh, S. L. (2006). What should be used as the baseline for estimating a priming effect?. The 4th Asian Conference on Vision, Vision, 18 (supplement for ACV 2006), p.59, Matsue, Japan. 

Liao, H. I., & Yeh, S. L. (2006). What kind of stimuli will capture your attention and under what conditions?. The 4th Asian Conference on Vision, Vision, 18 (supplement for ACV 2006), p.47. Implications for automobile dashboard design, Matsue, Japan. 

You, H. H, & Yeh, S. L. (2006). Auditory cue facilitates unattended visual processing. The 4th Asian Conference on Vision, Vision, 18 (supplement for ACV 2006), p.225, Matsue, Japan. 

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2006). Effects of spatial and non-spatial working memory on location- and object -based attention. Journal of Vision, 6, 129a. 

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2006). On-line updating of object representation: Same-object effect obtained from last-minute amodal completed objects. Journal of Vision, 6, 596a. 

Yeh, S. L. (2006). Two approaches for using Chinese characters as stimulus materials to study human perception and cognition. The 45th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., Chou, W.L., & Su Y-C (2006). Effects of component position and function in reading Chinese texts. The 45th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chou, W. L. (2005). Semantic activation of the stem component in reading Chinese. The 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Hong Kong. 

Hsu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Components in Chinese characters: Levels of processing. The 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Hong Kong. 

Chen, K. M., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Is lexical decision task sensitive to orthographic similarities of Chinese characters?. The 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Hong Kong. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chen, Y. C. (2005). Part-whole relationship in perceiving Chinese characters: Effect of frequency for different types of component. The 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Hong Kong. 

Yeh, S. L., Chou, W. L., & Reeves, A. (2005). Unitization in reading Chinese. The 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Hong Kong. 

Kramer, P., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Comparing stereopsis and apparent motion by linking the Ternus and Double Nail phenomena. The 13th annual symposium on perception and cognition, Trieste, Italy. 

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Dissociation of object-based and space-based inhibition of return by working memory. Perception (suppl.), 34, 78a. 

Liao, H. I., Yeh, S. L., & Wu, C. C. (2005). Asymmetry of stimulus-driven attentional capture by non-contingent onsets and color distractors. Perception (suppl.), 34, 96b. 

Hsu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Motion-induced blindness as a kind of visual neglect. Perception (suppl.), 34, 145b. 

Yeh, S. L., Lin, S. Y., & Kuo, M. (2005). Out of sight, out of object-based attention?. Perception (suppl.), 34, 183a. 

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Mechanism of object-based attention: Spreading or prioritisation?. Perception (suppl.), 34, 183b. 

Kramer, P., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Comparing stereopsis and apparent motion: The double-nail and Ternus phenomena.. Perception (suppl.), 34, 187a. 

Lo, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Dissociating attention from required processing time. Journal of Vision, 5, 157a. 

Hsu, L. C., Yeh, S. L., & Kramer, P. (2005). The influence of different surface segregation cues on temporary blindness. Journal of Vision, 5, 247a. 

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Modulation of object-based and space-based attention by cue validity. Journal of Vision, 5, 1038a. 

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2005). Visual token individuation by sound in repetition blindness. Journal of Vision, 5, 873a. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chou, W. L. (2004). The contrasting demand for Chinese and alphabetic scripts: Automatic “semantic” activation by “phonetic” components in Chinese character recognition. Perception (suppl.), 33, 151b. 

Lo, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2004). Are Chinese characters picture-like?. Perception (suppl.), 33, 151c. 

Liao H. I., & Yeh, S. L. (2004). Interaction between contingent attentional capture by color and endogenous orienting induced by a spatial cue. Perception (suppl.), 33, 122b. 

Hu, C. M., & Yeh, S. L. (2004). Effects of cue informativeness and spatial focus on object-based and space-based selection. Perception (suppl.), 33, 125a. 

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2004). On the condition of object-based IOR for spatially overlapping objects. Perception (suppl.), 33, 121d. 

Chen, K. M., & Yeh, S. L. (2004). Role of configurational structure in perceptual organization of Chinese characters. Perception (suppl.), 33, 151a. 

Yeh, S. L., & Lin, S. Y. (2004). Role of endogenous orienting in object-based and space-based selection. Journal of Vision, 4, 264a. 

Li, J. L., Yeh, S. L., Hsiao, C. H., & Hu, C. M. (2004). Higher priority in processing for task-irrelevant salient stimuli: Explained by a parallel interactive model. Journal of Vision, 4, 637a. 

Hsu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2004). Perceptual blindness induced by surface competition. Journal of Vision, 4, 717a. 

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2004). Familiarity and semantic context modulate the repetition blindness for components in Chinese characters. Journal of Vision, 4, 526a. 

Hsiao, C. H., Li, J. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2004). A parallel interactive model of attentional capture. Journal of Vision, 4, 636a. 

李金鈴、葉素玲、蕭全亨 (2004). 注意力優先性與運動知覺:整體位移比質感運動優先被注意. The 43thAnnual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

許儷絹、葉素玲 (2004). 知覺群聚關係對視覺消失現象的影響. The 43th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan(獲得蘇薌雨教授心理學博士學位論文獎). 

廖心怡、葉素玲 (2004). 注意力選擇顏色或位置?由時間歷程看兩者的競爭. The 43th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

胡志銘、葉素玲 (2004). 物體為基注意力 : 線索有效性及注意力聚焦範圍的影響. The 43th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

葉素玲、陳冠銘、張復 (2004). 以促發配對作業探討漢字之線索效應. The 43th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

葉素玲、羅仕宇 (2004). 漢字能夠望文立即生義?. The 43th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., Chou, W. L., & Reeves, A. (2004). Component processing in reading Chinese sentences. The 43thAnnual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

陳奕全、葉素玲 (2004). 以重複視盲探討漢字部首與聲旁的表徵. The 43th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

葉素玲、周蔚倫 (2003). 漢字聲旁的語意激發. The 42th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

葉素玲、陳奕全 (2003). 漢字部件與整字的關係:部件的重複視盲是否受整字字頻的影響?. The 42th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

許儷娟、葉素玲 (2003). 漢字部件的激發:由圖形與文字的關係來探討. The 42th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

李金鈴、葉素玲 (2003). 刺激的顯著性可影響注意力選擇的優先排序. The 42th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan(獲得蘇薌雨教授心理學博士學位論文獎). 

林山源、葉素玲 (2003). 內發性注意力導向: 物體為基選擇機制的必要但非充分條件. The 42th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

周蔚倫、葉素玲 (2003). 物體為基回向抑制作用. The 42th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

羅仕宇、葉素玲 (2003). 注意力與質地區隔對脈絡效果的影響. The 42th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

廖心怡、葉素玲 (2003). 在注意力視窗外,是否仍能發生注意力攫取?. The 42th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chen, Y. C. (2003). Perceptual organization of Chinese characters: what is the entry-level unit for skilled readers?. Perception (suppl.), 32, 27a. 

Chen, Y. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2003). The time course of orthographical and phonological activation in Chinese character recognition. Perception (suppl.), 32, 121a. 

Hsu, L. C., Yeh, S. L., & Peter, K. (2003). Linking motion induced blindness to perceptual filling-in. Perception (suppl.), 32, 129a. 

Chou, W. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2003). Is filtering cost involved in stimulus-driven attentional capture?. Perception (suppl.), 32, 133b. 

Liao, H. I., & Yeh, S. L. (2003). Can contingent attentional capture override endogenous orienting with 100% validity?. Perception (suppl.), 32, 133c. 

Lo, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2003). Contextual effect, figure-ground organization, and attention. Perception (suppl.), 32, 135b. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chang, F. (2003). Role of configurational struture in Chinese character recognition. ICCS/ASCS-2003, Joint International Conference on Cognitive Science, Sydney, Australia. 

Hsu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2003). When a subcharacter component meets a picture. ICCS/ASCS-2003, Joint International Conference on Cognitive Science, Sydney, Australia. 

Li, J. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2003). Role of dynamic transients in attentional capture by irrelevant onsets. The 3rd Annual Meeting of Vision Science Society, Sarasota, Florida. 

Chang, H. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2003). Grouping by color similarity, orientation similarity and collinearity under conditions of inattention. The 3rd Annual Meeting of Vision Science Society, Sarasota, Florida. 

葉素玲、林怡慧、李金鈴 (2002). 中文字型結構在國小學生字形相似性判斷所扮演的角色. 第四屆華人心理學家國際學術研討會暨第六屆華人心理與行為科際學術研討會, 台北 ,中央研究院. 

張曉玨、葉素玲 (2002). 不注意狀態下不同知覺組織強度之比較. The 41th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan. 

許儷絹、葉素玲 (2002). 運動引發視盲(motion induced blindness)與知覺填整(perceptual filling-in)的關係探討. The 41th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan. 

葉素玲、周蔚倫 (2002). 以區辨作業及偵測作業探討注意力攫取歷程中存在過濾虧損的可能性. The 41thAnnual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan. 

葉素玲 (2002). 中文字型結構與辨識歷程. 輔仁大學心理學系三十週年系慶學術研討會, 新莊. 

Yeh, S. L., Liao, H. I., & Li, J. L. (2002). On defining the condition of stimulus-driven attentional capture. Perception (suppl.), 31, 97c. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chen, Y. H. (2002). Repetition blindness for subcharacter component reveals different representations of the semantic radical and the phonetic component in Chinese character recognition. Perception (suppl.), 31, 113c. 

Li, J. L., Hu, C., & Yeh, S. L. (2002). The cue validity and compatibility effects of the irrelevant onset distractor. Perception (suppl.), 31, 78c. 

Li, J. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2002). Attentional capture without display-wide attentional setting: evidence from inattentional blindness. Perception (suppl.), 31, 79a. 

Hsu, L. C., & Yeh, S. L. (2002). On the novelty of 'motion-induced blindness. Perception (suppl.), 31, 42a. 

Li, J. L, Yeh, S. L., & Hung, D. L. (2002). Do Chinese and Americans see opposite apparent motion? Replicated and revised. The 2nd Annual Meeting of Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, USA. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chen Y. C. (2002). Representations of semantic radical and phonetic component in Chinese character recognition: Repetition blindness for subcharacter component. The 10th International Conference on Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Related Asian Languages (ICCPCORAL2002), Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., & Li, J. L. (2002). Role of structure and component in Chinese character recognition: Evidence from orthographic priming and repetition blindness. The 10th International Conference on Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Related Asian Languages (ICCPCORAL2002), Taipei, Taiwan. 

葉素玲、李金鈴 (2001). 中文辨識歷程:整字與部件的重複視盲. The 40th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Chiya, Taiwan. 

Chen, I., Lin, S.Y., Yeh, S. L., & Huang, H.S. (2001). Dissociation of critical phase and power band for pattern recognition. Perception (suppl.), 30, 85a. 

Yeh, S. L., & Li, J. H. (2001). Unitary versus splitting focal attention: Evidence in favour of a unitary model. Perception (suppl.), 30, 50b. 

Lin, S. Y., & Yeh, S. L. (2001). Split or unitary attention, measured by motion aftereffect. Perception (suppl.), 30, 49b. 

Li, J. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2001). The uniqueness of abrupt onset in capturing attention: evidence from inattentional blindness. Perception (suppl.), 30, 48b. 

Yeh, S. L., & Li, J.L. (2001). Repetition blindness for radical: The main cause of the inhibitory orthographic priming effect in Chinese character recognition. Perception (suppl.), 30, 112a. 

Yeh, S. L., & Li, J.L. (2001). Submorphemic Processing in Visual Recognition of Chinese Character: Evidence from Repetition Blindness for Sub-character Component. Perception (suppl.), 30, 97a. Poster presented at24th European Conference on Visual Perception, Kusadasi, Turkey. 

Yeh, S. L., Chang, H. C., Chen, I., & Li, J. L. (2001). Perceptual organisation with and without attention. Perception (suppl.), 30, 45a. 

葉素玲、李金鈴 (2000). 中文字形的抑制效果:部件與結構的作用. 第一屆台灣認知科學研討會:認知心理學的回顧與前瞻, 嘉義. 

葉素玲、李金鈴 (2000). 以中文字的重複視盲現象探討整體結構與組成部件的關係. The 39th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

李金鈴、陳以蓁、葉素玲,洪蘭 (2000). 以中文字探索線段運動錯覺的內在機制. The 39th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

張曉玨、葉素玲 (2000). 不同離心距離下的空間視覺促進效果探討. The 39th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

李仁豪、葉素玲 (2000). 視覺注意力能否分裂?. The 39th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

陳虹余、葉素玲 (2000). 以旁側圖形對維尼亞敏銳度作業的吸引與排開現象探討人類視覺的定位機制. The39th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L. (2000). Attention modulated perceptual space. he program NOW/NSC joint workshop on cognitive science, Arnhem, the Neitherland. 

Yeh, S. L., Li, J.L., Tatsuto, T., Sun, V.C., & Liu, W.R. (1999). The influence of learning experience and cognitive structure on the classification of the shapes of Chinese characters. The 3rd conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, . 

葉素玲 (1999). 字形結構與熟悉性對漢字搜尋速率的影響. The 38th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L. (1999). Distribution and allocation of visual attention. Perception (suppl.), 29, 111b. 

葉素玲 (1998). 中文字形結構的偵測. The 37th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

李金鈴、葉素玲 (1998). 影響中文單字字形相似程度的因素. The 38th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L., & Chang, C. (1997). Figural Aftereffects: Adaptation to location or orientation?. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38(4), S632. 

葉素玲,李金鈴,陳一平 (1997). 中文字形的兩階段處理歷程. 第二屆華人心理學家學術研討會, 香港. 

曾加蕙,葉素玲 (1997). 視覺超高敏銳度:以維尼亞作業探討形狀與位置之爭議. 第二屆華人心理學家學術研討會, 香港. 

陳一平,葉素玲 (1997). 中文字型複雜度之頻譜分析. 第二屆華人心理學家學術研討會, 香港. 

郭俊男,陳一平,葉素玲 (1997). 辨識中文手寫筆跡所依據之心理向度. 第二屆華人心理學家學術研討會, 香港. 

葉素玲、李金鈴、陳一平 (1996). 漢字的形狀知覺. The 35th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Yeh, S. L. (1995). A new technique for investigating visual attention. The 1st International Conference of Chinese Psychologist, . 

Yeh, S. L., De Valois, K. K., & Chen, I.P. (1994). The shape of spatial attention revealed by figural aftereffects. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 35(4), 2081. 

De Valois, K. K., Yeh, S. L., & Chen, I.P. (1994). The apparent speed of discrete isoluminant moving objects. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 35(4), 1644. 

Yeh, S. L., Chen, I., De Valois, K. K., & De Volois, R. L. (1993). The role of spatial vision in figural aftereffects. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 34(4), 1223. 

Yeh, S. L., Chen, I.P., De Valois, K. K., & De Volois, R. L. (1992). Figural aftereffects with Isoluminant gaussian blobs. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 33(4), 704. 

Chen, I.P., Yeh, S. L., & De Valois, R. L. (1992). Motion capture and contrast with spatially non-overlapping random dots. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 33(4), 1141. 

Yeh, S. L., De Valois, R. L., De Valois, K. K., & Chen, I.P. (1991). Adaptation to spatial position. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 32(4), 1268. 

Zhang, J., De Valois, K. K., & Yeh, S. L. (1991). Motion contrast and integration with moving apertures. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 32(4), 9567. 

Yeh, S. L., & De Valois, K. K. (1990). Failure of spatial transitivity. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 31(4), 956. 

De Valois, K. K., Lakshminarayanan, V., & Yeh, S. L. (1990). Can color support judgments of relative position?. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 31(4), 410. 



Huang, P., Chen, C. N., Chu, C. Y., Yeh, S. L. (2016). Multi-media data rate allocation method and voice over IP data rate allocation method. United States Patent No. 9,253,116. Washington, DC: The United States Patent and Trademark Office.


黃泰翔、林山源、葉素玲、陳宏銘、 卜令楷、黃鈴琇(2013)。潛意識導引觀看者注意力的方法。中國專利編號101770731B。北京市:中華人民共和國國家知識產權局。


Chen, H. H., Huang, T. H., Lin, S. Y., Yeh, S. L., Bu, L. K., & Huang, L. H. (2012). Method of Directing a Viewer’s Attention Subliminally in a Display. United States Patent No. 8,094,163. Washington, DC: The United States Patent and Trademark Office.
